On February 22, 2014, at the Faculty of Art, a student of the specialty 5V040600-Direction Esirkep Karlygash put on the stage a poem by detective-musical by French playwright Robert Tom “Eight wives, she is the only one”. Among the spectators - A. Alikhan, chief director of the “Shymkent circus”, actor of the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after Sh. Shanin, Shimirkulov E., member of the Union of Theaters of Kazakhstan, theater critic B.Togaev, playwright, poet S. Kurmanbayev, scene. speaking language, linguist, education teacher D. Tambetova, actor and theater actor B. Botaev. It should be noted that this French edition was first translated into the Kazakh language.
In the circles of the oven vomit
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