
«Жазықсыз жапа шеккендер»

           Оn February, 25, 2016 teacher, counsel of Otarbaeva B.К. departments «Cultural leisure and social activity», of faculty «Pedagogics and culture» of  UKGU the name of М.Аuezovа and students of a 1 course, group PIK-15-15К2, 3 specialities«Сulture - leisurework», departments accepted active voice in the event of «Жазықсызжапашеккендер», conducted in the Regional museum of victims of political repressions and sanctified to the 130 year of ТоlegenТurcinova, 110year of СаdikАhmetova, 15year of the Regional museum of victims of political repressions and 25 - to летию Independence  of RК. Recipients of an award a thank you letter.



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