In honor of the celebration of the Republic Day, the performance "The Night when the Stars went out" (based on the play by M. Omarova "Ahiko in Aktau") took place. We are glad that this performance, which tells about the shocks and upheavals of the Kazakh people, about our national thousand dead and a thousand resurrected, reflecting the spirit of our ancestors who share the souls of Alash, the nation, introduces modern youth to patriotism, has won a place in the hearts of the audience. We express our gratitude to the staff of the M. Auezov YUKZU, the Faculty of Culture and Art, the Department of Art, our head, N. N. Usypakhmetov, Mr. @usupahmetov_nazarbek, for supporting young people! Also, thanks to the management of the city academic Kazakh Drama Theater named after J. Shanin and all the staff who helped us get on such a big stage! @shanin_theatre ???????????????????? The main organizer: N. Usypakhmetov Director of Photography: E. Zholdasov Music director: Mutali K. Choreographers: Baltabai M., Nurzhanova A. The head of the troupe: Amanbai N. Organizers: Piz B., Tazhen D. Master of Light: Baizakh M. Technical specialist: Orynkhan A. ???????????????????? Starring: AHIKO-Zhasulan Rakhishev AKTAMAK-Shugyla Elshibek KATYA-Maral Baltabai AKHMET-Berik Zhumabek STEPAN-Abai Kalabai Akai Kasen - Abylai Serikbayev The narrator is Meirzhan Abdir Kartash-Abdumurat Medetov Seifullah-Nurdaulet Amanbai Sadvakas-Didar Bolatbekov Investigators-Kasiyet Zharylkasynova, Laura Seraly, Balausa Tazhibek Chief Guard: Sanjar Turgynbek and Theater artists on public stages # orken #Oner # theater