"March 16 - within the framework of the "Culture and National Traditions Day", a personal exhibition of Alyaev Alimzhan Beisenuly, a well-known artist, sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, winner of the "Eren Enbegi" medal, was held at the M. Auezov State University of Fine Arts. The exhibition was attended by the faculty of our university, the artist's students, students and art lovers.
Each work of the master of the brush, sculptor, artist-designer Alimzhan Abylaev contains love for the nation, homage to the native land, glorification of our heroes, and promotion of our traditions and national values. Each work of the master, rooted in the national essence, gives spiritual nourishment to the soul, gives strength to the body, and leads to the uplifting of the national spirit.
It should be noted that among the works of art created by Alimzhan Abylaev, many monuments in the field of sculpture have been erected in Kazakhstan, the Turkestan region, and the city of Shymkent. The epic painting "Kazakh Eli", the monuments "Kazakh Khan" (Abylai Khan), "Alpamys Batyr", "Alatau Batyr", and the wall stele "Kulageri of Kazakh Composers" are well-known works.
"March 16 - within the framework of the "Culture and National Traditions Day", a personal exhibition of Alyaev Alimzhan Beisenuly, a well-known artist, sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, winner of the "Eren Enbegi" medal, was held at the M. Auezov State University of Fine Arts. The exhibition was attended by the faculty of our university, the artist's students, students and art lovers.
Each work of the master of the brush, sculptor, artist-designer Alimzhan Abylaev contains love for the nation, homage to the native land, glorification of our heroes, and promotion of our traditions and national values. Each work of the master, rooted in the national essence, gives spiritual nourishment to the soul, gives strength to the body, and leads to the uplifting of the national spirit.
It should be noted that among the works of art created by Alimzhan Abylaev, many monuments in the field of sculpture have been erected in Kazakhstan, the Turkestan region, and the city of Shymkent. The epic painting "Kazakh Eli", the monuments "Kazakh Khan" (Abylai Khan), "Alpamys Batyr", "Alatau Batyr", and the wall stele "Kulageri of Kazakh Composers" are well-known works.