
VIII Republican subject Olympiad

         On 14-15 March 2016 held VIII Republican subject Olympiad for university students majoring 5V040900 at the Kazakh National University of Arts in Astana - "Choreography". Olympics consisted of two rounds - a written test and a practical task. The commission had been masters in specialty "Choreography", folk artists, professors, associate professors, iskusstvedeniya candidates from different cities of Kazakhstan. For students and participants of the Olympiad KazNUA conducted master classes by leading experts of the country, among them, the first master class was conducted by head of "Oner" SKSU. Auezov, PhD, associate professor Tleubaeva BS As a result of letters of thanks from the Olympic Games were awarded PhD, Associate Professor Tleubaeva BS, kpn Dildebaeva GR for good training students for the Republican subject Olympiad. PIK Group -13-9r student J. Nurbek won the third place. As a result of subject Olympiad it can be concluded that the students in the department, "Oner" are active cognitive activity, which includes not only the consolidation of the acquired knowledge, but also a creative, individual process.



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