
Scientific projects: results and problems

On October 4, 2016 the History of Kazakhstan department organized the Round table concerning the scientific project.: " Investigation of ethnic identity development among youth in South Kazakhstan oblast " (Project manager: associate professor Karibayev S. U.) and "Studying of factors of joint interaction in rural multiethnic districts of Southern Kazakhstanky area and development of models of strengthening of internal unity of the population" (The project manager: associate professor Dzhunusbayev S. M.) Heads of scientific projects, research associates, the head of department of regional prosecutor's office, veterans of the Afghan war, representatives of educational department of university, club "Dosta қ", "Zhastar of an ortalygy" and students took active part in an action. The interethnic relations of various nationalities of area, feature of ethnic identity among youth, and also other urgent problems in this direction were analysed. By results of an action the results and the results of scientific projects which on the common decision shall be brought to the attention the authorities of the area were summed up.


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