
Excursion in D.A.Kunayev's museum

On the eve of the celebration of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan teachers of History of Kazakhstan department G. Tleukulov and Kabyl A. have organized an excursion in the museum of the eminent person of the time, the bright politician, patriot of the people - D. A Kunayev. The wide exposition hall includes a large amount of biographic and documentary materials, objects of private use, mementoes and D.A.Kunayev's souvenirs. As museum pieces also cups and awards in honor of this great person are presented. The excursion has attracted great interest of students. The excursion purpose in D.A.Kunayev's museum the younger generation of patriotic feelings, pride had an education for great sons of the Kazakh people, and also instilling of respect for history of the Homeland.


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