
Уouth about religion

On November 18 in the hostel №. 1 in the reading room № 15 the conversation debate with students on " Уouth about religion" which was organized by the senior teacher of  «History of Kazakhstan» department Kabyl A. A. Disput has been organized for the purpose of formation at students of religious tolerance, the correct relation to traditional religions. In the course of discussion of this urgent problem students have received answers to the interesting questions. Activity was shown by students of groups FI-13-1k2-A.Tauzharova, PIK-16-16-Zh.Duman, PIK-16-2k: K. Kurbanova, FI-16-3k1: T. Amirtay, FI-16-3r1: D. Habibova, FK-16-3k1: T. Kopbay, T. Abisov.


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