
"Creative Autumn - 2016"

There was the first exhibition competition "Creative Autumn - 2016" of creative artist-teachers at the Republic Industrial University of Technology and Design in St.Peterburg on the 10-20 October. Professors of the faculty of  “Art and Design” took part in this competition. The elder teacher of the faculty and member of the association of artists in the Republic of Kazakhstan Ten Vilya Grigorievich by his picture “A clear day in the mountain”, Zhienbaev Ermek Asanovich won the second place by his picture “At the Guardence”, Aidosov Anuar took the third place and he was awarded by the nomination “The best picture painting by olives”.  Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D. Beisenbayev Sadybek also received  thanks "For the fruitful work of the jury".


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