
Festival «Zhuldyzdy zhup»


In the South-Kazakhstan State University im M.Auezova faculty "Pedagogy and Culture" November 25. 2016 in the auditorium of the festival was held under the title «Zhuldyzdy zhup» dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which students from 1 to 4 courses attended. This festival was organized by the teachers' staff-professor of «General pedagogy and music education».

Grand Prix took 1 st year students Baitursyn Sandugash and Zhaugasharov Adilet

1 place was taken by 2nd year students Abdurakhmanov and Umida Saydikarimov Abror

2 took place 1st year student and teacher Shardarbekov Akim, Elgonova Sandugash

3rd place was occupied by students 3 courses Abdimanap Asel and Zhaksylyk Bakdaulet

3rd place was occupied by students of 1 course Stykulova Kasiet and Orynbekov Ardak

3rd place was occupied by students 3 courses Japarova Sandugash zhane 1 course studentі Mynzhasarov Sanjar


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