научно-исследовательскую стажировку

From 16.03. - on 26.03.2015, the undergraduates specialty 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology held a research internship at the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow. During the internship undergraduates actively participated in many activities of the University. Since undergraduates met Vice-Rector for development programs and international activities GBOU IN MCPU V.V. Grinshkun and talked about the possibilities of studying at the university. Specialists of the Institute held a masters class on the subject of dissertation research. Undergraduates were given the opportunity to visit the Fundamental Library GBOU IN MCPU and its affiliates.

Graduate work was carried out with the scientific funds of the library of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Russian State Library on topics of their master's theses and got acquainted with the theory and methods of use of innovative learning technologies in the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Undergraduates attended lectures by leading professors of the university, and actively participated in the seminars. Directly on their research undergraduates consulted with leading scientists of Moscow City Pedagogical University: d.p.s. Professor Alexander Savenkov, d.p.s. O.M.Lyubchenko, k.ps.s. A.S. Shakhmanova, Ph.D., assistant professor A.M.Dvoynin.


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