Physical training for economic, legal and agrarian specialties


Head of the department
Demeuov Achan Kalybaevich
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
Address: SKU, building №11, Tauke khan avenue 30.
Phone: 8 (7252) 53-48-01
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


►Teachers' staff

►History of the chair

Department of " Physical Education for Economic, Legal and Agricultural specialties»

The department was formed by the reorganization of the Department of "Physical Education" into the Department of "Physical Education for economic, legal and agricultural specialties" on the basis of the order of the Rector of SKSU for No. 274 of 17.08.2006 "On the formation of educational units" and is a general education, teachers of the department conduct practical classes with students of the Higher School of "Management and Business", the Faculty of "Law" and the Faculty of "Agrarian".

Since the foundation of the Department of "Physical Education for Economic, Legal and Agricultural Specialties" , it has been headed by highly qualified, experienced specialists:

From 2006 to 2009-Ogonyan V. Yu., Master of Sports of international class in track and field athletics, champion of the USSR and Europe in high jump;

From 2009 to 2010-B. P. Taukeev, senior lecturer;

From 2010 to 2013-M. I. Ispandiyarov, Ph. D., Honored Boxing Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, AIBA international category judge, Excellent Student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 2013 to 2014-Ph. D., Associate Professor E. A. Bitabarov

From 2014 to 2016-K. S. Sikhimbayev,Master's degree, Senior lecturer;

From 2017 to 2018, Ph. D., Professor, Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Koblanov Zh.N.


Since February 2018, the department is headed by Ph. D., associate Professor Demeuov Akhan Kalybayevich.


The Department of "Physical Education for economic, Legal and Agricultural specialties" is a structural unit of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, which is part of the Faculty of "Culture and Sports".

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of "Physical Education for ESUAS" employs 16 faculty members. The full-time number of teaching staff is 100%, that is, 16 full-time teachers. The department consists of 11 senior teachers, 5 teachers. Among them: 1 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor-Demeuov A. K. Head of the department, 6 masters. Teachers of the department conduct physical education classes for students in Kazakh and Russian. The share of teachers able to teach classes in the state language is 93.75%. The teaching staff has 100 % basic education, the average age is 42.2 years.

Teachers of the department have grades in various sports. Filonova A. Yu. is a Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics. Utebekov E. M. is a master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in karate.

The department has the necessary material and technical base, sports equipment for conducting physical education classes, inter-faculty Sports competitions among students and sports events. Teachers of the department conduct practical classes with students of the Higher School of Management and Business, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Agriculture.


Creative works

12 teams of the university took part in the XII traditional interfacult Sports Contest "Health" among the 1st-year students dedicated to the 75th anniversary of M. Auezov SKSU. The competitions were held according to the Olympic system. The university teams were divided into 4 groups, as indicated in the rules of the Sports Contest. The results of the competition were distributed according to the following places:

The first place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Law»

The second place was taken by the team of the college of SKSU named after M. Auezov

The third place was taken by the team of the faculty "Agrarian»

Athletes of the faculty "Agrarian" are awarded a diploma for the III team place!

Athletes of the college of SKSU named after M. Auezov are awarded a diploma for the second team place!

Opening ceremony of the XII Sports Contest among 1st year students of the SKSU named after M. Auezov

Achievements and prizes
Teachers of the department have grades in various sports. Senior teacher of the department Utebekov Yerbolat Muratovich received the title of coach in karate-1.

Senior teacher Ibragimova-Filonova Angela Yunusovna received the title of Master of Sports in track and field athletics.


Associate Professor Demeuov Akhan Kalybayevich received the title of the best teacher of higher educational institutions in 2014.


Awarding of Demeuov A. K. from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sarinzhipov A. B.

From the moment of photographing the best teachers of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Associate Professor Demeuov A. K. took part in the competition for the best teacher and became the winner of "Uzdik Ustaz".


Associate Professor Demeuov A. K. took part in the competition "Leader of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and became the winner.

They were also awarded letters of thanks from several managers for their achievements.
In accordance with the professional development plan, the teaching staff improves their qualifications .
In June 2018, Associate Professor Demeuov A. K. upgraded his qualification under the updated educational program at JSC NCPC "ORLEU".

Senior teacher K. S. Sikhimbayev completed a 72-hour advanced training course and received a certificate.
In accordance with the professional development plan for the 2020-2021 academic year, in December, senior teachers Zhandarova A. A., Sarsenbayev Zh.T., Filonova A. Yu., teacher Biltebaeva G. S. passed 72-hour advanced training courses and received certificates.





Educational and methodological work of the department

The teaching staff of the Department of "Physical Education for ESAAS" in accordance with the publication plan of the UML publishes textbooks,methodological guidelines.

Teachers of the department have issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2014-2015 academic year. :

1. the game "Volleyball" 2015. Sikhimbayev K. S.

2. "Physical culture in higher education" textbook of Almaty 2014. Sikhimbayev K. S.

3. " Gymnastics»:Almaty 2015. Sikhimbayev K. S.

4. "Sports games" textbook Almaty: 2015. Sikhimbayev K. S.

5. "Table tennis" Almaty 2015.



6. Methodological guidelines for conducting classes in athletics for 1st year students October 2014 Bilebaeva G. S.

7. "Production physical culture for livestock breeders of the agro-industrial complex" guidelines February 2015. Mustafayev I. T.

Teachers of the department issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2015-2017 academic year. :

1. Physical culture development and formation of personal qualities. methodological guidelines.2015, Dzhaymaev A. R.

2. Methodological guidelines for handball November 2015 sihimbayev K. S.

3. Outdoor games in gymnastics and track and field athletics: guidelines November 2016. Zhandarova A. A.

4. Development of physical qualities by means of track and field athletics:methodical instructions., 2016. November., Filonova. A. Yu.

5. Methods of combating freedom: guidelines January 2017.Moldabekov E. O.

Teachers of the department have issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2017-2018 academic year. :

1. Development of educational work of students by means of physical education., methodical instructions, September 2017 Ispandiyarov M.

2. Developing exercises at the lessons of physical culture: methodological guidelines September 2017., Sikhimbayev K. S.

3. Methods of teaching table tennis., methodological guidelines January 2018 Zhunisov G. B.


Teachers of the department issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2018-2019 academic year:

1. Management of physical culture and sports., methodological guidelines October 2018. Amanbayev T. G.

2. Development of physical qualities by means of the direct game "Football" methodical instruction., November 2018, Mustafayev I. T.


Teachers of the department have issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2019-2020 academic year:

1. "Physical culture" methodological guide to practical classes for students of 1-2 courses in 2020. january, Sarsenbayev Zh. T., Utebekov E. M.

2. Methodological guidelines for practical classes in physical culture for students of 1-2 courses., February 2020. Kumarova A. K.


Teachers of the department issued the following textbooks and guidelines for the 2020-2021 academic year:

1. Textbook on physical culture "The use of national sports in the lessons of physical culture" for students of specialties of the direction 6B0100-education.October 2020g. Demeuov A. K.


Research work

The teaching staff of the Department of "Physical Education for ESUAS" conducts research work in accordance with the thematic plan of the YUU named after M. Auezov. Teachers of the department publish scientific articles in journals recommended by the Committee in the field of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, journals with a zero impact factor and RSCI, as well as various collections of international conferences.




1. "Features of the development of the science of physical culture". Monograph 2015. Demeuov A. K., Kystaubaev E. I., Bekov A. A.

2. "Integration of spiritual and professional knowledge in the system of training future teachers in higher educational institutions". Monograph 2015. Demeuov A. K., Kystaubaev E. I.

From October 18 to 26, 2015, the head of the Department, Demeuov A. K., held a scientific internship at the Gazi Pedagogical Faculty of Gazi University in Ankara (Turkey). Purpose: to study the university scientific and educational directions of the state of Turkey, the features and aspects of innovative education in the structure of the National Education System of Turkey.


The results of each scientific work done are implemented in the educational process and production.


In addition, teachers of the department together with students conduct research work. Under the guidance of teachers, students take an active part in organized conferences of the faculty and the university. They take part in regional, city, and regional conferences.



Teachers and students of the department take part in national and international scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conferences held in various cities of Kazakhstan and Russia. Teachers of the department organize round tables, meetings with employees of other industries.

Publication of research papers at the department, participation in conferences scientific articles in journals of far and near abroad; publication in journals approved by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; participation of teaching staff in conferences of far and near abroad and the Republic of Kazakhstan, republican and regional conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational work

The educational work of students in physical education classes is aimed at positive conversation, aesthetic and socio-political education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, participation in sports sections.

The participants of the Sports Contest are ready for the competition.



The moment of explaining the rules of the competition to the participants of the sports contest.

For educational work at the department, open educational hours are held with students associated with various holidays. Various events were organized in order to form moral and patriotic feelings among our students. In each academic year, events were organized on the holiday of Nauryz. In the new academic year, various events were organized and an open educational hour was held.

In addition, charity events were organized, as well as assistance to orphanages and low-income families.



At the beginning of the academic year, in accordance with the plan of educational work of the faculty, a plan of educational work of the department is drawn up. According to the plan, events are held, protocols are recorded. The duration of the mentoring hour is set, and according to the schedule, all mentors spend the mentoring hour. After-school sports clubs are organized and supervised for students of all groups. Students of the group get acquainted with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law "On Education". Educational activities, including: socio-political and legal activities, international and patriotic education, activities for the prevention of religious extremism and international terrorism, moral cultural and aesthetic education, research and creative activities, activities in the hostel, activities to attract students to sports sections and promote a healthy lifestyle, activities for the professional education of students, activities to provide charitable assistance to orphans, semi-orphans, members of low-income and large families.

Awarding of the XIII Interfacult Sports Contest among 1st-year students of the 2019-2020 academic year within the framework of the "Densaulyk" program of the M. Auezov SKSU "Rukhani Zhangyru "and its approval by the head of state as the"Year of Youth".

A memorable photo of the winning teams.

Leadership lecture of the Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting.Makarov.

The staff of the department took part in the leadership lecture of the multiple world champion in weightlifting Ilya Ilyin.

Visiting the University Museum with multiple world weightlifting champion Ilya Ilyin.

Professional and labor education

1. A conversation was held with students on the topic: "Chimkala-art city-clean city

2. The program "Zhasyl El" was implemented"

Every year the staff of the department organizes subbotniks.


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