General Pedagogics and musical education

Head of department

Buletova Lyazzat Alpysbaevna

Doctor of pedagogical sciences

Address: 160000 Shymkent, T.Tazhibayev str. 2, M. Auezov SKSU, building №8 Faculty “Pedagogy and culture”, department “General Pedagogy and musical education”

Tel:   8(7252)36-71-95 


►Teachers' staff

   In connection with the reorganization of the structural units of the faculty "Pedagogy and culture" merged departments "General pedagogy and ethnopedagogy" and "Musical education". The department was named "General pedagogy and musical education".


History of departments

The “General pedagogy and ethno pedagogy” department exists since May of 1998 in the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. A great contribution to the establishment and development of the Department made an academician AGN RK, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Kalybekovа Asma Akhmetovna, who headed the department from 1998 to 2011. Her rich practical experience and deep scientific knowledge and organizational skills of Kalybekova Asma Akhmetovna laid the basis for fruitful work of the department. Under her leadership, prepared and successfully defended dissertations: 5 doctors of the pedagogical sciences, 34 candidates of the sciences, 22 Masters of pedagogical Sciences.

     In 2011-2015 yy. the doctor of pedagogical sciences of Arymbaeva Kulimkhan Malikovna, the person with a work wide experience at the higher school, the expert in the field of the organization theoretical and applied researches on pedagogics, psychology, sociology, social pedagogics manages chair. Kulimhan Malikovna brings the considerable contribution to a close unification of a science and practical activities, carrying out the organization and a management of activity of teachers, undergraduates of chair in the field of the decision of scientifically-methodical questions.

      The department “Arts” was established in 1967 in the basis of the department of general music of Shymkent Pedagogical Culture Institute named after Al-Farabi and in 1968 was separated as an independent department “Folk instruments and orchestra conducting”. During the liquidation  of the Culture Institute and organization of the South Kazakhstan State Auezov University the department “Folk instruments and orchestra conducting”  was included to the Arts Faculty of the recreated university. Later in 1999 because of the joining the faculties “Social-Humanitarian” with “Arts”, the department was included to the Culture Institute of the South Kazakhstan State Auezov University.

  For many years, as new specialties were opened, the following specialists of highest level have being invited: B. M. Zhusupaliyev (1967-1968), A. Zhakipbekov (1968-1974), K. Raskaliyev (1974-1978), E.O. Balabekov (1978-1981), U. Gubaidullin (1981-1996), T.Zh. Iztay (1973-1994), M. Zharkinbekov (1996-2006),  U.M.Jezmurzin (2010-2011),  D.A.Koregen (2011-2012).

The staff of the department includes lecturers who graduated conservatories of Almaty, Tashkent, Odessa, Shymkent Pedagogical Culture Institute named after Al-Farabi.

Now, Head of the Department Doctor of pedagogical sciences Buletova Lyazzat Alpysbaevna showed himself a teacher with a high level of theoretical training, constantly working to improve their knowledge and teaching methods. Lyazzat Alpysbaevna contributes significantly to the close unity of science and practice, carrying out the organization and management of the faculty, graduate faculty.

The staff of the department:

6-professors, 8 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 10 senior lecturers, 2 lecturers, 5 concertmasters.

About specialties of the department

During the activity of the department significantly improved its quality and composition of the material and technical base. Functioned postgraduate and doctoral specialty 13.00.01 - General pedagogics, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogics, opened Master's degree in 6M010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology, which will update in qualitative terms, the faculty of the department. Department staff have done a great job to improve the quality of teaching pedagogical subjects for undergraduate and graduate students to a special area 05 - Education and non-teaching professions. A modern educational and methodological framework necessary for quality teaching departmental courses for training teachers of the new formation. Teachers of the department prepared the model programs and UMKD, published training and training manuals, guidelines that are embedded in a mass practice of universities and schools of the republic.


Specialty 5В010600 “Musical education”

    Content of training:

    Social humanitarian-history of Kazakhstan, culture study, political study, imagology, foreign language, sociology and others.

    Common professional-pedagogic, psychology, musical psychology, musical pedagogy and others.

    Special-vocal, musical instrument (fortepiano, dombra), music theory, music harmony, methods of musical education and others.

    Training period- duration of training is 4 years at the full time department. At the part time department period of training is 5 years (for persons who don’t have special education), crash education on the basis of special education is 3 years, and on the basis of higher education is 2 years.

    Characteristics of specialty

    Our graduate may:

  •      teach at colleges of art and culture
  •      conduct choir team
  •      organize culture and leisure work in cultural and educational institutions.


    After successful taking of full course training on specialty 050106 “Musical education” qualification “Music teacher” is conferred and diploma of state pattern is given.

    Place of graduates’ work

  • children music schools
  • secondary schools, before school institutions
  • colleges, lyceums and others.    

International cooperation

Strengthened relationship with the department chairs of the leading universities of the Republic, and abroad. In the framework of treaties on international cooperation department of forging close ties with the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow), Tomsk State Pedagogical University (Tomsk), Tula State Pedagogical University (Tula), Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk) , Tashkent State Pedagogical University after named Nizami (Tashkent), the Institute of Central Asian Studies at the Hanguk University of Foreign Languages (Korea).

The department is actively improving its international contacts. Workshops, qualification improvement courses, master classes with scientists invitation from Russia (Moscow pedagogical state university, St. Petersburg state institute of culture), Uzbekistan (Tashkent state institute of culture), Kazakhstan (Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Kazakh state women pedagogical university).

Great scientists as a doctor of art historian sciences, professor of Leningrad state institute of culture Levando T.P., a professor of Moscow conservatory Lyashko B.M., vice-president of ISME international organization, a chairman of educational and methodical department of Russia on specialty “Musical education”, the head of the methodology and methods of musical education department of Moscow pedagogical state university, a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Abdullin E.B., the head of the theory and methods of teaching music, Kazakhsan state women pedagogical university, a doctor of pedagogical sciences, a professor Dzherdimaliyeva R.R., a professor of Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy professor Aidarbekova L.A. and others visited the department “Musical education and choir” in good time.

       The department is actively improving its international contacts. Workshops, qualification improvement courses, master classes with scientists invitation from Russia (Moscow pedagogical state university, St. Petersburg state institute of culture), Uzbekistan (Tashkent state institute of culture), Kazakhstan (Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Kazakh state women pedagogical university).

       Great scientists as a doctor of art historian sciences, professor of Leningrad state institute of culture Levando T.P., a professor of Moscow conservatory Lyashko B.M., vice-president of ISME international organization, a chairman of educational and methodical department of Russia on specialty “Musical education”, the head of the methodology and methods of musical education department of Moscow pedagogical state university, a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Abdullin E.B., the head of the theory and methods of teaching music, Kazakhsan state women pedagogical university, a doctor of pedagogical sciences, a professor Dzherdimaliyeva R.R., a professor of Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy professor Aidarbekova L.A. and others visited the department “Musical education and choir” in good time.

The department has basic schools and districts in Shymkent South Kazakhstan Region, where students undergo continuous teaching practice, organized outreach meetings and seminars the department, conducted experimental works, introducing new ideas and development of the teaching staff. So in etnopedagogics school-gymnasium № 25 named after T.Ryskulov, in Shymkent school-gymnasium № 45, in a secondary school № 9 D. Nurpeisova, school-gymnasium № 1 U.Saremi in Sairam district teachers of the department regularly conducted scientific advisory and development and pedagogical work. Many of the leading teachers of the department, doctors and candidates of sciences are scientific advisers of secondary schools and experimental sites.

Department achievements

Research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the theme of the B-11.10.12 "Theory and technology of ethno-cultural competence of future teachers, taking into account ethno-regional peculiarities of Kazakhstan." Its results are being introduced in the educational process in the form of inclusion in the content of lectures, seminars and workshops on pedagogy, inclusion in the job for a period of student teaching of students, preparation for the publication of guidelines on the issue. At the department "General pedagogy and ethnopedagogics" carried out research work in the following areas: development of innovative technology training and education of their introduction in the system of continuous education; Develop programs, guidelines for teachers of secondary schools, the implementation of research results in the educational process of the university.

Teachers of the department constantly take active part in the scientific conferences of different levels. In 2011, Ph.D., professor Nurlybekova A.B. She is participated in a scientific conference Eurodep (Paris, France). Department participated in the following international scientific conferences: "Innovations in science: as a determinant of the development of a specialist 21st Century" (St. Petersburg, 2011).

In addition the results of SRW staff of the department were published in journals with high impact factor "Pedagogy": scientific-theoretical journal of the Russian Academy of Education (Almetov N.Sh.), staff of the department Arymbaeva K.M., Almetov N.Sh., Nuridinova G.A., Suleimenova S.N. published 6 articles in international ranking journals «SCIENCE AND WORLD», «Life Science Journal», «Jokull journal», «The Way of Science», and in the following national scientific journals: "Science and Education of South Kazakhstan", "Ult tagylymy "" Іzdenіs "," Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy ","Journal of Humanities "and others.

Promotion of the research work carried out in the form of publications, "Bright colors Nauryz" ("The country and the world”, №11, 21.03.2011) «Without education a person does not take place" ("Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", 28.10.2010), "Kazakhstan is our common home"," Southern Kazakhstan », №36, 25.03.2011).

According to the results of research faculty of the department published more than 450 scientific papers in the state, Russian and English.

Regional competition "Jas talаnt-2016»

      25-26 april 2016 with the aim of educating young people, among students in grades 10-11 SKR held the chair "General pedagogy and music education" regional competition "Jas talаnt-2016» with participation of the department "Music education" organizer senior lecturer Agabekova S.S .

Achievements contest "Jas talаnt-2016»
Gran Examples Sydykov Asan Bahtiyaruly

  1. I-st place - Akhmetov Enlik
  2. II-nd place - Olesya Khomenko Pavlovna, Alibek Yernur Aydosuly
  3. III-th place - Timur Parhat Azamatuly, Kalbyr Alzhan Begalyuly, Rahymhan Aplaton


Regional competition "Zhas Talent-2017"
        On April 28, 2017, with the purpose of educating the youth, the regional competition "Zhas Talent-2017" with the participation of the organizers of the "Music Education" department of teachers-professors was held among the pupils of 10-11 grades of SKO.
Achievements of the contest "Zhas Talent-2017"
Grand prix Erzhigit Zhanar
1.I place - Orazbay Shakizat
2.II-th place - Amir Bekzat, Nurzhan Aybek
3.III place - Amangeldi Didar, Turgynbek Gauhar, Serzhan Nuray, Lesbay Akzhayik
4. Diplomats - Kuanysh Aruzhan, Askar Samal, Duisenbek Altynai, Jusip Turlikhan, Seisenbek Nazym

Festival «Zhuldyzdy zhup»

     In the South-Kazakhstan State University im M.Auezova faculty "Pedagogy and Culture" November 25. 2016 in the auditorium of the festival was held under the title «Zhuldyzdy zhup» dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which students from 1 to 4 courses attended. This festival was organized by the teachers' staff-professor of «General pedagogy and music education».

Grand Prix took 1 st year students Baitursyn Sandugash and Zhaugasharov Adilet

1 place was taken by 2nd year students Abdurakhmanov and Umida Saydikarimov Abror

2 took place 1st year student and teacher Shardarbekov Akim, Elgonova Sandugash

3rd place was occupied by students 3 courses Abdimanap Asel and Zhaksylyk Bakdaulet

3rd place was occupied by students of 1 course Stykulova Kasiet and Orynbekov Ardak

3rd place was occupied by students 3 courses Japarova Sandugash zhane 1 course studentі Mynzhasarov Sanjar


Festival «ZHuldyzdy zhup»

In the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov of the faculty "Pedagogy and Culture" on November 29, 2017 in the assembly hall a festival was held under the title "ZhuldyzdyZhup" in which students from 1 to 4 courses took part. This festival was organized by the staff of teachers and professors of the department"General Pedagogy and Music Education".

1 place was taken by students of the 1-4 year BakhtovFarhad and MashirPerizat
2nd place was taken by 1st-year students ShakirovaNazira and NyshanbayevOraz
2nd place was taken by the 1st year student KonarDinara and SaparovMedeu
3rd place students of the 1st and 3rd courses RustamovSherzot and AbdrakhmanovaUmida
3rd place was taken by students from the 1st and 3rd year of education

DzhaksylykovNursultan and AbdurasulovaLozzat
3rd place students of the 3rd course Kozhabekova Aziza and ZholtaevSeitzhan

Our graduates

    Graduates of the department work in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The department is proud of the best graduates who are great specialists of musical and performing art and the stars of Kazakhstan estrade:

  • National artist of the RK Eskendir Khasangaliyev
  • National artist of the RK Nagima Eskaliyeva
  • National artist of the RK Makpal Zhunusova
  • Honored artist of the RK Marat Omarov
  • Honoured artist of the RK, prominent composer Marat Ilyasov
  • Laureate of performers international contest named after Sh. Kaldaiyakov, honored artist of the RK K. Shoinbayev
  •  Laureate of performers international contest named after Sh. Kaldaiyakov Mamadiyar Taukeev
  • Laureate of performers international contest named after Sh. Kaldaiyakov Khadisha Seiitova
  • A diploma holder of vocalists international contest “Romance contest” Victoria Borisova
  • Laureate of performers international contest “Charm by romance” Zh. Tazhibayeva
  • A diploma holder of vocalists international contest “Romance contest” Bakhyt Dzhumabekov
  • “Zhigitter” quartet
  • “Munarlan” band 


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