Head of the Department: E. T. Bimurzaev,
Cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Address: Shymkent, M. Auezov educational institution ,building No. 8, office 500.
Phone: (8 7252) 36-71-21
►Teaching staff
►academic mobility
►2022-2023 annual report
►2021-2022 annual report
►2020-2022 annual report
History of the Department
Guided by the requirements of Paragraph 1 of Article 43 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education", paragraph 2 of Article 44, paragraph 2 of Article 138 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on state property" and paragraph 25 of Section 4 of the Charter of the educational institution:
On the basis of the departments" choreography"," art "and" directing and acting "as part of the faculty" pedagogy and culture "to reorganize into the Department" art " with a new name.
Bachelor of Arts
Direction of preparation: B028-choreography B027-theatrical art
6b02130-choreography 6B02120-directing
5b040900-choreography 5B040600-directing
Master's degree (Master of Arts)
Direction of preparation: 7031-choreography
Since 1985, for the first time in Kazakhstan, applicants for the specialty "choreography" have been admitted to the department "theory and history of cultural education" of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Culture named after Al-Farabi.
In November 1989, the specialty became one of the Departments of the Institute, becoming a department in its own right. The founder of the department, doctor of philosophy, professor, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and excellent student of Education Seraly Tleubayev was appointed as the first head of the department.
In 2000-2003, the department was mastered by candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher Z. B. Azhibekova.
Since 2003, the head of the department is Tleubayeva Balzhan Seidramanovna, a graduate of the International Scholarship "the best teacher of the University-2010", "Bolashak", honorary worker of Education, winner of the Medal "Y. Altynsarin" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Department 6b02120 - "directing" qualification:"director-actor of theater and cinema".
Bachelor of Arts 6B02130 - "choreography".
Also, since 2017, admission to the master's program under the educational program 7M02103-"choreography" for 1, 1.5 and 2 years of study in the profile and scientific and pedagogical direction is carried out. After graduation, a master's degree in art history is awarded.
In 2015, the Department of choreography celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the department held an international scientific and practical conference "actual problems of modernity: culture, history, ideology" and an international festival "dances of the peoples of the world". It was attended by more than 20 dance ensembles from all regions of our republic and the republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Karakalpakstan. Within the framework of this festival, master classes of leading specialists of domestic and foreign choreography were held. The festival ended with a gala concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of choreography. The gala concert was attended by the student dance ensemble of the Department "Karakoz", laureates of the festival "dances of the peoples of the world", as well as graduates of each year.
With many years of creative work, the department trains qualified specialists, who today work not only in Kazakhstan, but also outside our country. Graduates of our department work as leaders and choreographers of choreographic ensembles in all regions of the Republic, near and far abroad, teachers-choreographers, artists of state dance ensembles, managers and producers of dance art.
The role of our department in such an important event for the cultural life of South Kazakhstan region as the opening of the regional opera and Ballet Theater is special. There, the department contributed to the formation of the theater, participating in the operas "Eugene Onegin" by P. I. Tchaikovsky and "Traviata" by D. Verdi.
Students of the department annually take an active part in the Republican subject Olympiad and take prizes. Students take an active part in research and development. A number of students were awarded diplomas and diplomas at Republican competitions for their achievements in research and development.
According to the results of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department" art "won the nomination" the best Department of SKSU named after M. Auezov".
Educational programs of the Department "art" took the first place in the rating "educational programs of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan-2018". "5b040900-choreography"and" 5B040600 - directing".
Students of the Department" Art "studied under the program" academic mobility " at the Moscow State Institute of culture and Arts, the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, the Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University, West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, the Kazakh National University of Arts.
In April 2019, the department held the II International Dance Competition "dances of the peoples of the world" in honor of the 30th anniversary of the dance ensemble "Karakoz", "International Dance Day" and "Year of Youth". More than 65 dance ensembles (from 6 to 25 years old) from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kokshetau, Karaganda, Turkestan, Taraz, Aktobe, Almaty took part in the competition
Phone: (8 7252) 36-71-21
►Teaching staff
►academic mobility
►2022-2023 annual report
►2021-2022 annual report
►2020-2022 annual report
History of the Department
Guided by the requirements of Paragraph 1 of Article 43 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education", paragraph 2 of Article 44, paragraph 2 of Article 138 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on state property" and paragraph 25 of Section 4 of the Charter of the educational institution:
On the basis of the departments" choreography"," art "and" directing and acting "as part of the faculty" pedagogy and culture "to reorganize into the Department" art " with a new name.
Bachelor of Arts
Direction of preparation: B028-choreography B027-theatrical art
6b02130-choreography 6B02120-directing
5b040900-choreography 5B040600-directing
Master's degree (Master of Arts)
Direction of preparation: 7031-choreography
Since 1985, for the first time in Kazakhstan, applicants for the specialty "choreography" have been admitted to the department "theory and history of cultural education" of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Culture named after Al-Farabi.
In November 1989, the specialty became one of the Departments of the Institute, becoming a department in its own right. The founder of the department, doctor of philosophy, professor, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and excellent student of Education Seraly Tleubayev was appointed as the first head of the department.
In 2000-2003, the department was mastered by candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher Z. B. Azhibekova.
Since 2003, the head of the department is Tleubayeva Balzhan Seidramanovna, a graduate of the International Scholarship "the best teacher of the University-2010", "Bolashak", honorary worker of Education, winner of the Medal "Y. Altynsarin" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Department 6b02120 - "directing" qualification:"director-actor of theater and cinema".
Bachelor of Arts 6B02130 - "choreography".
Also, since 2017, admission to the master's program under the educational program 7M02103-"choreography" for 1, 1.5 and 2 years of study in the profile and scientific and pedagogical direction is carried out. After graduation, a master's degree in art history is awarded.
In 2015, the Department of choreography celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the department held an international scientific and practical conference "actual problems of modernity: culture, history, ideology" and an international festival "dances of the peoples of the world". It was attended by more than 20 dance ensembles from all regions of our republic and the republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Karakalpakstan. Within the framework of this festival, master classes of leading specialists of domestic and foreign choreography were held. The festival ended with a gala concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of choreography. The gala concert was attended by the student dance ensemble of the Department "Karakoz", laureates of the festival "dances of the peoples of the world", as well as graduates of each year.
With many years of creative work, the department trains qualified specialists, who today work not only in Kazakhstan, but also outside our country. Graduates of our department work as leaders and choreographers of choreographic ensembles in all regions of the Republic, near and far abroad, teachers-choreographers, artists of state dance ensembles, managers and producers of dance art.
The role of our department in such an important event for the cultural life of South Kazakhstan region as the opening of the regional opera and Ballet Theater is special. There, the department contributed to the formation of the theater, participating in the operas "Eugene Onegin" by P. I. Tchaikovsky and "Traviata" by D. Verdi.
Students of the department annually take an active part in the Republican subject Olympiad and take prizes. Students take an active part in research and development. A number of students were awarded diplomas and diplomas at Republican competitions for their achievements in research and development.
According to the results of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department" art "won the nomination" the best Department of SKSU named after M. Auezov".
Educational programs of the Department "art" took the first place in the rating "educational programs of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan-2018". "5b040900-choreography"and" 5B040600 - directing".
Students of the Department" Art "studied under the program" academic mobility " at the Moscow State Institute of culture and Arts, the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, the Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University, West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, the Kazakh National University of Arts.
In April 2019, the department held the II International Dance Competition "dances of the peoples of the world" in honor of the 30th anniversary of the dance ensemble "Karakoz", "International Dance Day" and "Year of Youth". More than 65 dance ensembles (from 6 to 25 years old) from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kokshetau, Karaganda, Turkestan, Taraz, Aktobe, Almaty took part in the competition

Creative connections
People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chief choreographer of the state dance ensemble "Uzbekistan" Muminov K. T. was invited to the department in order to improve the skills of choreographer and performing skills of students.
The Department of choreography was provided with methodological assistance by the Kazakhstan National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Dean of the Faculty of choreography, associate professor Andosov K. N., honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Goncharova N. L. Asylgazinov E. A. conducted a master class, and our graduate Erika Tsimbrovskaya (Izrail) conducted a master class in modern dance.
Masters invited to the department in order to improve the pedagogical, choreographic skills of teaching staff and performing abilities of students:
- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of art history, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography Toygan Izim and Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, leading teacher of the higher schools of choreography of Uzbekistan Ektibor Norova;
- doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography Aigul Kenesovna Kulbekova;
- Head of the Department of choreography of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, associate professor Gulbanu Ilyubayevna Murzabayeva;
- candidate of art history, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography, dean of the Faculty of choreographers Gulnar Saitova;
- Senior lecturer of Abai Kaznpu, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan talant Zhambyl Kylyshbayev.
People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chief choreographer of the state dance ensemble "Uzbekistan" Muminov K. T. was invited to the department in order to improve the skills of choreographer and performing skills of students.
The Department of choreography was provided with methodological assistance by the Kazakhstan National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Dean of the Faculty of choreography, associate professor Andosov K. N., honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Goncharova N. L. Asylgazinov E. A. conducted a master class, and our graduate Erika Tsimbrovskaya (Izrail) conducted a master class in modern dance.
Masters invited to the department in order to improve the pedagogical, choreographic skills of teaching staff and performing abilities of students:
- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of art history, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography Toygan Izim and Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, leading teacher of the higher schools of choreography of Uzbekistan Ektibor Norova;
- doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography Aigul Kenesovna Kulbekova;
- Head of the Department of choreography of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, associate professor Gulbanu Ilyubayevna Murzabayeva;
- candidate of art history, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of choreography, dean of the Faculty of choreographers Gulnar Saitova;
- Senior lecturer of Abai Kaznpu, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan talant Zhambyl Kylyshbayev.

concept of doctrine
In the teaching of choreographic art, teachers are required to receive a wide range of knowledge from various fields and genres of art - painting, music, sculpture, architecture, stage costumes, etc. The form and style of the dance, which is updated daily, coincide with the main requirements of the classical dance tradition. So, for the mastery of all types of art, uniform innovation and the formation of traditions in a wide range in the teaching of choreographic education. In the same opinion, the exchange of information knowledge, pedagogical and psychological works, the combination of special disciplines give great meaning to interdisciplinary communication.
Future teachers of choreography need to know a foreign language as much as possible (although the language of dance is clear to everyone). There are several more important principles in our educational concept: individualization and an individual approach to learning, the principle of mutual complementarity of individual structures, the principle of visualization and representation in teaching, the principle of combining verbal and non-verbal components of learning, the principle of continuity of education, the principle of consistency in learning.
All these principles are implemented in practice in teaching, methodologically summarized and theoretically substantiated in the fundamental monograph of the head of the department B. S. Tleubaeva.
2.training in the art of directing requires a teacher to have extensive knowledge in various fields and genres of art.
Educational programs are based on the ratio of theory and practice, which is necessary for mastering the profession in modern conditions. The carefully compiled schedule includes lectures, courses, practical classes and a direct directing process.
From the first days of study, students take part in various practical activities — from creating scripts to creating a drama and mass show programs. The teaching staff of the specialty is the "heroes" of the University: directors, screenwriters, producers, cameramen, sound engineers, production artists, creators of television formats.
Great importance is also attached to the principle of interdisciplinary connections, the exchange of educational information, the combination of special disciplines with pedagogy and creative psychology.
The culture of communication, in addition to knowledge of foreign languages, includes the development of communication skills, knowledge of personality psychology and interpersonal relationships, the"processing"of this knowledge in practical classes on communication training and the education of a sensitive culture.
In the teaching of choreographic art, teachers are required to receive a wide range of knowledge from various fields and genres of art - painting, music, sculpture, architecture, stage costumes, etc. The form and style of the dance, which is updated daily, coincide with the main requirements of the classical dance tradition. So, for the mastery of all types of art, uniform innovation and the formation of traditions in a wide range in the teaching of choreographic education. In the same opinion, the exchange of information knowledge, pedagogical and psychological works, the combination of special disciplines give great meaning to interdisciplinary communication.
Future teachers of choreography need to know a foreign language as much as possible (although the language of dance is clear to everyone). There are several more important principles in our educational concept: individualization and an individual approach to learning, the principle of mutual complementarity of individual structures, the principle of visualization and representation in teaching, the principle of combining verbal and non-verbal components of learning, the principle of continuity of education, the principle of consistency in learning.
All these principles are implemented in practice in teaching, methodologically summarized and theoretically substantiated in the fundamental monograph of the head of the department B. S. Tleubaeva.
2.training in the art of directing requires a teacher to have extensive knowledge in various fields and genres of art.
Educational programs are based on the ratio of theory and practice, which is necessary for mastering the profession in modern conditions. The carefully compiled schedule includes lectures, courses, practical classes and a direct directing process.
From the first days of study, students take part in various practical activities — from creating scripts to creating a drama and mass show programs. The teaching staff of the specialty is the "heroes" of the University: directors, screenwriters, producers, cameramen, sound engineers, production artists, creators of television formats.
Great importance is also attached to the principle of interdisciplinary connections, the exchange of educational information, the combination of special disciplines with pedagogy and creative psychology.
The culture of communication, in addition to knowledge of foreign languages, includes the development of communication skills, knowledge of personality psychology and interpersonal relationships, the"processing"of this knowledge in practical classes on communication training and the education of a sensitive culture.

Direction of preparation: B027-theatrical art
Since 2004, students began to be admitted to the specialty" directing "and" acting". In 2008, by order of the rector of SKSU named after M. Auezov, "directing and acting" was separated into a separate department. Senior lecturer Saparov Imanali Saparovich was appointed head of the Department.
In 2009, the department was headed by candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Mukhamedin Marat Mukhamediyevich.
In 2012, the department was headed by a graduate of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kashaganova Tursynkhan Usenovna.
Jobs of future specialists:
- Theater, creative centers, radio and Television Studios, film studios, cultural institutions and higher art educational institutions and mass media.
- Director in public and private cultural institutions;
- Leadership and methodological activities in cultural institutions;
The teaching staff of the specialty actively participates in International, District, Republican, scientific-methodological, scientific-practical conferences.
Teachers - directors of the Department organize and conduct events of regional, city and University scale. It also provides practical and methodological assistance in theatrical public performances and show programs.
Since 2004, students began to be admitted to the specialty" directing "and" acting". In 2008, by order of the rector of SKSU named after M. Auezov, "directing and acting" was separated into a separate department. Senior lecturer Saparov Imanali Saparovich was appointed head of the Department.
In 2009, the department was headed by candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Mukhamedin Marat Mukhamediyevich.
In 2012, the department was headed by a graduate of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kashaganova Tursynkhan Usenovna.
Jobs of future specialists:
- Theater, creative centers, radio and Television Studios, film studios, cultural institutions and higher art educational institutions and mass media.
- Director in public and private cultural institutions;
- Leadership and methodological activities in cultural institutions;
The teaching staff of the specialty actively participates in International, District, Republican, scientific-methodological, scientific-practical conferences.
Teachers - directors of the Department organize and conduct events of regional, city and University scale. It also provides practical and methodological assistance in theatrical public performances and show programs.

Creative connections
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, the department was attended by Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., candidate of philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiyev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor of the State Institute of culture and arts of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., candidate of philosophical Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate professor F. E. Akhmedov was invited.
A creative meeting was held with Kurmangozhaev Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana.
On 07.05.2021, a seminar was held between the Department of Arts of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and the Nukus branch of the State Institute of Arts and culture of Uzbekistan in order to strengthen academic mobility. The seminar was attended by the head of the Department "Art", candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tleubayeva B. S., senior lecturer of the Department Zholda
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, the department was attended by Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., candidate of philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiyev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor of the State Institute of culture and arts of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., candidate of philosophical Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate professor F. E. Akhmedov was invited.
A creative meeting was held with Kurmangozhaev Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana.
On 07.05.2021, a seminar was held between the Department of Arts of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and the Nukus branch of the State Institute of Arts and culture of Uzbekistan in order to strengthen academic mobility. The seminar was attended by the head of the Department "Art", candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tleubayeva B. S., senior lecturer of the Department Zholda

Creative life
The most important factor in becoming a future professional is the ability to form your own. Training students in project and creative activities, directing a specialist to the constantly emerging concept of modern knowledge, solving creative theoretical and practical problems.
The theory of self-formation of personality requires attention to the inner world of a person. Also, teachers and students of this specialty, along with the educational process, write scripts and author-director of cultural events and performances in the region, city and University.
"Trouble against corruption" - the winner of the main prize.
The team took part in the final game of the KVN Super League "bars" and was awarded a diploma.
3.an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Commander Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was organized and held at the Republican level in Tulkubas region.
In honor of the 65th anniversary of the great victory, the book "Glory to the victorious people! Theatrical performance".
"Zheltkan zhagyry" is a theatrical performance dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6." El - Ermen glorious " - on the day of the opening of the alley of Olympic champions, etc. the main factor of educational work is the formation of creative abilities of students in their free time.
In 2010, at the Faculty of pedagogy and culture of SKSU named after M. Auezov, under the guidance of senior teacher Zholdasov E. A., The Theater-Studio "Orken" for talented youth was created. The theater-studio" Orken "solemnly opened its curtain with the play" girls from our hostel".
In 2010, the theater "Orken" performed at the Balinker competition among theater groups and was awarded the title of diploma holder.
In 2011, he won the Nomination" Best Direction "E. Zholdasov the play" deserter "the production of" festival of birds", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the playwright D. Isabekov.
In 2012.Students of the Department - senior lecturer took part in the city competition of children's and youth theaters" honey Art".Saparov I. S. and Zholdasov E. A. were awarded diplomas in the Nomination"Best Direction", as well as the title of laureate of the student theater of the Department "Orken" at the theatrical competition "Bal oner" in Shymkent.
Today, from the regional side, the theater-studio looks like a "people's theater". The team of the theater-studio" Orken " consists of 30 students. They not only play in performances, but also act in domestic films and TV series, dubbing cartoons, as well as become graphic designers, screenwriters, lighting designers, etc
The most important factor in becoming a future professional is the ability to form your own. Training students in project and creative activities, directing a specialist to the constantly emerging concept of modern knowledge, solving creative theoretical and practical problems.
The theory of self-formation of personality requires attention to the inner world of a person. Also, teachers and students of this specialty, along with the educational process, write scripts and author-director of cultural events and performances in the region, city and University.
"Trouble against corruption" - the winner of the main prize.
The team took part in the final game of the KVN Super League "bars" and was awarded a diploma.
3.an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Commander Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was organized and held at the Republican level in Tulkubas region.
In honor of the 65th anniversary of the great victory, the book "Glory to the victorious people! Theatrical performance".
"Zheltkan zhagyry" is a theatrical performance dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6." El - Ermen glorious " - on the day of the opening of the alley of Olympic champions, etc. the main factor of educational work is the formation of creative abilities of students in their free time.
In 2010, at the Faculty of pedagogy and culture of SKSU named after M. Auezov, under the guidance of senior teacher Zholdasov E. A., The Theater-Studio "Orken" for talented youth was created. The theater-studio" Orken "solemnly opened its curtain with the play" girls from our hostel".
In 2010, the theater "Orken" performed at the Balinker competition among theater groups and was awarded the title of diploma holder.
In 2011, he won the Nomination" Best Direction "E. Zholdasov the play" deserter "the production of" festival of birds", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the playwright D. Isabekov.
In 2012.Students of the Department - senior lecturer took part in the city competition of children's and youth theaters" honey Art".Saparov I. S. and Zholdasov E. A. were awarded diplomas in the Nomination"Best Direction", as well as the title of laureate of the student theater of the Department "Orken" at the theatrical competition "Bal oner" in Shymkent.
Today, from the regional side, the theater-studio looks like a "people's theater". The team of the theater-studio" Orken " consists of 30 students. They not only play in performances, but also act in domestic films and TV series, dubbing cartoons, as well as become graphic designers, screenwriters, lighting designers, etc

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