Cultural and social activity

The head of the department

Kadralyeva Altynai Mustafaevna

Phd doktor


Address: South Kazakhstan М.Auezov State University,Тajibayev street 2а, corps № 8

telephone:  8 (7252) 36-71-93

E-mail: k_altynai

►Teachers' staff

General information

The Department was established in 1967 to strengthen the practical and professional training of specialists in cultural and creative activities of the highest qualification.


The humanitarian mission of the department is to preserve the traditions of national culture and spiritual values.

The motto: "When exploring, study. While studying, explore."

Under the bachelor's degree program 6B11120, 5B090600 - "Cultural and leisure work", specialists are trained to work in cultural, art, educational institutions, and mass media. Their professional task is the organization of leisure activities of the population, the creation of highly artistic forms of cultural and leisure work that carry information and cultural, aesthetic, and ideological orientation.

The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the bachelor's degree program are:

- management systems of state institutions and non-governmental organizations, public associations of the cultural and leisure sphere;

- processes of management and marketing of cultural and leisure activities, recreational facilities and the leisure industry;

- processes of creative and production activities of cultural institutions and organizations;

- processes of artistic management of the activities of cultural institutions;

- the processes of producing and staging cultural and leisure programs and socio-cultural projects with the use of artistic and figurative means of expression;

- technologies of social and cultural creativity and cultural and educational activities;

- technologies of social and cultural animation and recreation; technologies of social rehabilitation with the use of means of culture and art;

- the processes of pedagogical support for the organization of children's and youth leisure, mass cultural and educational work with children, adolescents and youth;

- processes of organizing social and cultural activities of young people;

- the processes of organizing leisure activities of the adult population, mass cultural and educational work;

- the educational process in the system of general education, secondary vocational education, additional education for children and adults, and additional vocational education.

The graduate of this educational program is awarded the degree of "Bachelor in Services" can hold the following positions::

according to the Industry Qualifications Framework in the Field of Culture and Art of August 25, 2016, Protocol No. 3:

- head of the club.

- head of the department.

according to the Industry Framework of Qualifications in the field of "Education" dated November 27, 2019, Protocol No. 3.

- teachers of additional education without presenting requirements for work experience in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by the order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2012 No. 201-o-M.

Since 1998, teachers of the Department of "Cultural and Leisure Activities" are members of the author's team of developers of the state standard of education, standard plans and standard programs in the specialty "Cultural and leisure work" for bachelor's, master's and PhD doctoral studies, which is used by all universities that train specialists in this profile in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Among the subjects taught are the history and theory of cultural and leisure work, artistic creativity, imageology, organization of game entertainment programs, the basics of stage movement, the art of make-up, speech technique, acting technique, drama of mass celebrations and performances, and many others.

Since 2003, a master's degree program in the specialty 7M11120 – Cultural and leisure work has been opened, where undergraduates are trained annually on a grant set.

The department has a Republican educational and Methodological Council for the specialty "Cultural and leisure work". There is a Republican course of advanced training of workers of culture and art, as well as teachers of universities of Kazakhstan in this specialty. The Methodological Council for Artistic Creativity, national traditions, and the organization of folk art, which provides methodological, organizational, and practical assistance in the creation and development of clubs for the interests of not only the city, but also the Turkestan region and the Republic.

The bases of educational, scientific and pedagogical complexes are: the Regional Drama Theater named after Zh. Shanin, the City Center of Childhood and Youth, the Regional Library of Childhood and Youth, the Center of Customs and Rituals, the Youth Resource Center . And some of the classes are held at the bases of the UNPC.




Students of the educational program "Cultural and Leisure Work" undergo professional practice in educational institutions, cultural and art institutions, in cultural and leisure institutions. Professional practice bases: Youth Leisure Center, Shymkent City Children and Youth Center, Shymkent Circus, Zh. Shanin Kazakh Academic Drama Theater, Zh. Shanin Music School No. 1.Omarova, No. 4 college, Shymkent, No. 65 school-gymnasium named after y.Altynsarina, Scientific and Universal Library "Otyrar" , etc.


In September 2015, the Department of "Cultural and leisure activities" joined the specialty "Cultural Studies", Social work". The name of the department has also changed to "Cultural and leisure and social activities".

The uniqueness of OP 6B11410 - "Social Work" is determined by the fact that graduates acquire knowledge and skills that allow them to effectively solve social problems at the level of an individual, a social group and society as a whole, to implement innovative projects and programs, to activate the partnership of social actors to train in-demand, highly qualified professionals in the field of working with people, social policy, legal advice and management in the social sphere.

The graduate of this OP is awarded the degree "Bachelor of Social Security in the educational program 6B11410 - "Social Work".

Bachelors of the educational program 6B11410 - "Social Work" (5B090500) can hold positions can hold the position of a social worker in the field of social security and social problems (social service centers; social insurance and pension agencies; social protection institutions; social and legal patronage institutions; state employment service; medical and social expertise; health care and psychological assistance institutions; social and labor rehabilitation centers; social rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents; orphanages; guardianship and guardianship authorities; boarding schools; state employment service; migration service; Ministry of Emergency Situations; penitentiary system; law enforcement agencies; state and non-state social service institutions (as professionals who provide social assistance and support to various groups of the population); social and administrative and personnel services of enterprises, firms and organizations of various forms of ownership (as employees implementing analytical and informational and practical activities on social certification, development and optimization of the social environment, effective use of human resources); cultural institutions; educational institutions; institutions that provide social and pedagogical assistance) without presenting requirements for work experience in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other Employees, approved by the order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2012 No. 201-o-M.

The field of professional activity of the graduate includes: social protection of the population; social services; education, health, culture; medical and social expertise; the penitentiary system and the system of organizations regulating employment, migration, emergency assistance; enterprises and firms of various types of activities and forms of ownership, non-profit organizations.

In 2016, a doctoral program was opened under the educational program 6D11120 "Cultural and leisure work" and a license was issued.

2017-2018 academic year by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Rector's Office of the SKSU named after M. Auezov 28.08.2017 protocol.No. 1. The department of "Cultural and Leisure and Social activities" was divided. and the name of the department "Cultural and social activities" and "Theater and pop creativity" has changed.

The department employs teaching staff who graduated from the Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Odessa Conservatories and the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Culture named after Al-Farabi, such as L. I. Shulunova, I. B. Sikhymbayev, E. O. Balabekov, Yu. A. Saparova, S. Sh. Tleubaev, etc.

At the department worked teams: orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments, folk ensemble "Kazyna" (Winner of International and National competitions of folk competitions and festivals), dombra ensemble, wind instrument ensemble.


Teaching staff of the department

The scientific and creative potential of the department is quite high, there are 1 Doctor of Science, 2 professors,. 1 PhD doctor, 3 candidates of Science, 1 Excellent student of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 holders of the international degree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak".

The involvement of well-known cultural and art workers in the classes has a beneficial effect on the educational process.

Teachers of the department actively participate in all cultural events on the scale of the university, the city, the region and the republic.

Teachers and students of the Department of "Cultural and Leisure activities" throughout the year constantly conduct sponsored work in and in the Sairam orphanage for orphans.

Educational and methodological work

The teaching staff of the department has developed educational and methodological literature for educational programs 6B11120-Cultural and leisure work, 6B114410-Social work. This is the following main educational and methodological literature: Shulunova L. I. "Artistic mass organization of leisure" (2009), R. D. Daribayevanyn "Aleumettik zhumys negizderi" (2010), K. K. Tolegenovanyn "Mamandykka kirispe", "Aleumettik adaptation zhane rehabilitation" (2010), Omar E. O. Ualikhanov A. "Mektepten tys mekemeler damuynyn tarikhy" (2009), Omar E. O. "Madeni-tynygu zhumysy teoriyasy" (2013), Shulunova L. I., Ualikhanov A. "Bos uakytty uyymdastyrudyn korkemdik-pedagogikalyk adistemesi" (2014), Saparova Yu. A., Ormoldaeva M. "Show bagdarlamalardy uyymdastyru" (2015), Saparova Yu. A., Sadovaskaya V. S., Karamoldaeva D. "Kommunikativti madeniyet negizderi" (2015), Saparova Yu. A. "Madeni-tynygu zhumysy salasyndagi management, marketing" (2015), Omar E. O., Saparova Yu. A. Korkemoner shygarmashylygy (teoriyasy) (2016), Nurtazina A., Altynbekova A. R. "Sakhna tili" (2017), Shulunova L. I. "Pedagogy of cultural and leisure activities" (2017), Ualikhanov A. "Balalar shygarmashylygyn uyymdastyru adistemesi" (2017), Kadyralieva A. M. "Theory and practice of multiculturalism". (Monograph. 2019), Altynbekova A. R. "Sakhnalyk suit" (2019), Sihimbayev I. B. "Cultural studies" (2019), Tleubaev S. Sh. "Shetel choreografiyasy tarikhy" (2020), Altynbekova A. R. "Madeni – tynygu merekelerin bezendiru adistemesi" (2021).all disciplines of educational programs are provided with educational and methodological materials, methodological materials instructions on the types of activities.

Student life

To connect the study with practical activities, 4 student clubs were created at the department. 2002. Duman Theater. 2004. satirical theater "Shymshyma", research circle "Izdenis", 2005. satirical theater "Kisyk aina", student KVN,"Shuyldaktar". In 2005, the KVN team became the champions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2008, Boranbayev Aidarkhan won the Grand Prix at the Tazsha Bala competition.

Students of the educational program "Cultural and Leisure Work" annually participate in the Republican Student Subject Olympiad, where students of the department annually take first place (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,2015,2017,2018,2019,2021). And the students of the educational program "Social Work" took the prize II, III places.

2012, 2013, 2014,2015,2017). Specialty "Social work" II, III place.



In April 2009, students of the specialty "Social Work" taking part in the I-st ​​Republican Olympics at the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, in the category "Very active" were awarded the Certificate of Honor.

In March 2011, at the III Republican Subject Olympiad, students of the specialty "Social Work" for the project "The Most Significant Social Project" were awarded the Certificate of Merit and took the III place.

Based on the results of student research work of students of a higher educational institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of the specialty 5В090600- "Cultural and leisure work" were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2014g. - Yabaev. PIK-10-15k2 - diploma of the II degree; Қosbaeva G.PIK-12-15k2 III degree diploma;

2015g. - Altai B. PIK-12-15k3 - 2nd degree diploma; Ilebaeva K.PIK-11-15k2 15k2 diploma of the III degree;

2016g. -.Gofman A.A. PIK-13-15k2 1st degree diploma; Smaul H.J. PIK-13-15k1 diploma II degree diploma; Partaeva N.T. PIK-14-15k2 - diploma of the II degree; Tileubergen A.N. PIK-14-15k3 diploma of the III degree; Sherim M. PIK-13-15k2 - 3rd degree diploma;

2017g. Abdullaeva G. PIK-13-15k2-15k2 1st degree diploma; Karimova E PIK-15-15r-. 15k2 diploma of the II degree; Usenbekova G. PIK-15-15k3 15k2 diploma of the III degree;




Students of the specialty participate in international and national competitions, festivals and win prizes:

- Student gr. PIK-12-15k2 Orynbasar A.-Republican student competition "Abaidyn kara sozderi", diploma of the first degree;

- Student gr. PIK-10-15r Zhuashbayeva g. Republican song contest "Arai-2013" diploma of the first degree.

- Student gr. PIK-10-15r Zhuashbaeva G. V Republican contest of pop songs, instrumental music, artistic and poetic creativity "Magnificat" diploma.

- Student gr. PIK-10-15rzhuashbaeva G. Republican annual award "Samgau" diploma.

- Student gr. PIK-10-15rzhuashbaeva G. International Festival of creative Youth "Shabyt". Certificate.

- Student gr. PIK-12-15k2 Suyinov M. Republican contest of artistic reading on the collection of lyrical poems by F.Ongarsynova diploma of the second degree;

- Student Theater "Duman". Festival of student theaters (Pavlodar) diploma of the II degree;

- Student gr.PIK-10-15k3 Islambekov A. Republican contest of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of diploma, final creative works of the specialties "Chemical-technological and professional education, arts and services" diploma of the I degree;

- Student gr. PIK-09-15k2 Tazhibaeva M. Republican competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of diploma, final creative works of specialties "Chemical-technological and professional education, arts and services" diploma of the II degree;

- Student of the group PIK-10-15k2 Baisymakova A. Republican competition of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan of diploma, final creative works of the specialties "Chemical-technological and professional education, arts and services" diploma of the III degree;

- Student gr. PIK-13-15k3 Altayuly B. Republican contest of young writers "Shyraylym-Shubaykyzylym" diploma of the II degree;

The KVN team "Shuyldaktar" became the champions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005. In 2005, the satirical theater "Kisyk Aina"was created.Boranbayev Aidarkhan won the Grand Prix "Tazsha bala" in 2008.

In 2009, in April, students of the specialty "Social Work" taking part in the I-th Republican Olympiad at the Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, in the category "Very active" were awarded a Certificate of Honor.

In 2011, in March, at the III Republican Subject Olympiad, students of the specialty "Social Work" for the project "The most significant social project" were awarded with a Certificate of Commendation and took the third place.

-Bakber Altayuly, a student of the PIK-12-15k3 group, took the second place in the regional competition of akyns, poets among young talents of the Southern Region.

- Student of the PIK-12-15k2 group Kayyrbaeva Perizat took the first place for the best performance in the genre of "Dasturli an oneri" of the interfacult competition ZHAS TALENT-2014 " and "Winner of the competition" organized by the Faculty of Public Profession.

-Student of the PIK-12-15k2 group Eskermes Nurbek took the second place for the best performance in the genre of "Dasturli an oneri" of the interfacult competition "ZHAS TALENT-2014" and "Winner of the competition" organized by the Faculty of Public Profession.

-Student of the group VPIK-12-15k3 Musakul Zhadyra took the third place for the best performance in the genre of "Art of dance" of the interfacult competition ZHAS TALENT-2014 " and "Winner of the competition" organized by the Faculty of Public Profession.

- Students of the group PIK-12-15k3 Ashirbay N., PIK-13-15k3 Nuralieva A. of the department "Cultural and leisure activities" participated in the competition "Boz bala men boizhetken" in the Regional Philharmonic named after Sh. Kaldayakov, Shymkent. They received a certificate, diploma and cash prizes in the amount of 300 thousand tenge.

- Student of the PIK-14-15k2 group N. Rysymov participated in the contest-show "Biz ekeumiz bir bolayyk" and won the Grand Prix and received a diploma.

-A student of the group PIK-12-15r Tuleeva E. became the winner of the International Competition of student works, the theme "Features of the development of Kazakh folklore" 2014 and received a certificate of honor. Moscow State Institute of Culture.Moscow.


- Students of the PIK-11-15k34 group-course Musakulov A., Bayankulov Y. Received a letter of thanks from the Regional Department of Culture,2015.

- A student of the group PIK-12-15k2 Orynbasar A. took the first place and a diploma in the Republican student festival of youth, 2015.

- Students of the group PIK-12-15k3 Ashirbay N., PIK-13-15k3 Nuralieva A. participated in the Regional festival "Kozy Korpesh Bayan sulu" took the I-place and diploma took the I-place and diploma, 2015.

- A student of the PIK-15-15k3 group, Makulbek B. A. participated in the event "Studenttik Shak", organized by the Regional Education, the Department of Youth Policy for the Development of the South Kazakhstan Language and the Youth leisure center and was awarded a letter of thanks, 2015.

- Student of the PIK - 16-15k3 group Beisengalieva S. competition "Zhyl aruy-2016" 1st place, diploma.

-Student of the group PIK-13-15k3 Tortay K.-youth competition " Ulttyk kundylyk-ult - 3rd place, diploma.

- Student of the group PIK-15-15k3 Abdisharip M. competition of young poets - "Bilesinbe, olenin zhureginde Kazak deitin gazhayyp el zhatkanyn" - thank you letter.

- Student of the PIK-15-15k3 group Myktybek U.-Zhaydarman Republican Higher League of KVN Astana-Nomination " Uzdik oyynshi»

Winners of the contest " Zhyl studenti -2016»:

- Student of the group PIK-15-15k2 Muratalieva A.-nomination "Zhas akyn". diploma

-Student of the PIK-13-14k group Muzapparova Sh. - nomination "Ulgerimi zhogary student".diploma

- Student of the group PIK-15-15k3 Myktybek U. - nomination " Uzdik KVN oyynshysy»

- Student of the PIK-14-15k3 group N. Rsymov-nomination "Zhas otbasy" diploma.

-Student of the group PIK-16-15k2 Sabyr B. competition - "Arai-2017" of pop singers and leading cultural events.- 1st place, certificate.

- Students of the PEAK group-17-15-2k1 Zh., Kanybek E., Kayym B. "Zhas talent-2017" Grand Prix. 2017.

- Master's student of the MPI - 17-11nk group Bidos K. N. prize "Uzdik zhastar" and nomination "Uzdik zhas zhazushy" 2017.

Elena Popovtseva, a student of the MS-17-15r group, won the 1st place at the International Festival-Competition of Children's Creativity "Days of Talents". (2019)

Students of the MS-17-15r group Anshina D., Loiko D., Poshakaeva N., Sailau A., Belousova A. were awarded a letter of thanks from the Mayor of the city for organizing and holding the event "My Favorite City" within the framework of the event "Shymkent - the cultural capital of the CIS". 2020

Students of the MS-17-15r group were awarded a letter of thanks from the director of the Youth Leisure Center Zh.Kuzdeubaeva for organizing and holding the event "Children are our future". 2021.


academic mobility


There are agreements on mutual cooperation in the provision of educational services.

According to the program of internal academic mobility under the educational program 6B11120 (5B090600) - "Cultural and leisure work", students studied at the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov, Oral (Ziautdinova Zh, Kozhaseytova A. (2011-2012 academic year), Tashim A. O., Ilebaeva K. Zh. (2013-2014 academic year), Kosbayeva G. PIK-12-15k2 (2014-2015 academic year); Bazarbay A. K.. (2017-2018 academic year).; in the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University of Almaty (Baisymakova A, Baisymakova A. (2011-2012 academic year), Tazhimakhanova M. A., Tastanbek N. A. PEAK-13 - 15k2 (2015-2016 academic year); Azimbek G. B. (2017-2018 academic year).

Students of the above universities studied at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov: from the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov G. Oral: Bakytova A., Aitkaliev N. (2013 - 2014 academic year); Dzhanaeva A.D., Kayyrbayeva P. T. (2014-2015 academic year).year); Miramgalieva P. M., Baktygalieva Zh. A (2015-2016 academic year); from the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical University of Almaty: Kizatova A. B., Ulasbekova N. X (2015-2016 academic year); Ziyados T. B., Sazakhan B. B. (2016-2017 academic year).

The department is working on improving external academic mobility: a student of the specialty 5B090600-Cultural and leisure work E. Lebed studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture (2012-2013 academic year), students of the specialty 5B090500-Social work Serkebaeva B. A., Yerbolat A. studied at the University of Constance (Germany. 2016-2017 academic year) under the program "Social work and counseling".

In the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, students of the educational program 6B11120-Cultural and Leisure work of Taurbekkyzy Alua, Sailau Aigerim, Khaytmetov Shokhzod, Kenzhehankyzy Mereke, Sarsenbayeva Altynai studied at the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Russia) under the program of external academic mobility.


Our achievements

Innovative teaching methods are used in the educational process: virtual laboratory work, electronic textbooks, video lectures, business games. All this significantly increases the level of assimilation of the material and the quality of knowledge of students and undergraduates. It is also practiced to conduct lectures and practical classes in the form of conferences, round tables, presentations of individual projects of students.

Teachers of the department are holders of the state grant "The best teacher of the university»

- Ph. D., Associate Professor Saparova Yu. A. - winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university" (2008, 2014).

- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Omar E. O. - winner of the grant " Best University Teacher "(2009).

- PhD doctor, associate Professor Kadyralieva A.M. - winner of the grant " Best University Teacher "(2018).

- Master's degree, senior lecturer A. Ualikhanov is the holder of the International Presidential Scholarship "Bolashak" and in 2013 completed an internship at the Moscow State University of Culture and Art.

According to the results of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, the specialty 5B090600 - "Cultural and leisure work" according to the national rating of specialties took the 1st place, the specialty 5B090600 - "Social work" at the end of 2013 took the 2nd place.

According to the results of different academic years of the Auezov SKSU, teachers became winners in different categories:

- senior teacher Turdalieva Sh. Zh. - the best teacher of SKSU 2007-2008 academic year;

- Ph. D., Professor Shulunova L. I.-the best professor of the SKSU 2008-2009 academic year;

- Senior teacher Sabekova A. S.-the best teacher of the SKSU 2008-2009 academic year;

- senior lecturer Ualikhanov A.-the best teacher of the SKSU 2009-2010 academic year;

- Ph. D., Associate Professor of the department Daribayeva R. D. according to the results of the 2009-2010 academic year, she was awarded in the nomination "The best associate professor of the YUU named after M. Auezov".

In 2010, at the 1st Forum of Teachers-innovators for the introduction of modern information and innovative technologies in the educational process, Ph. D., Associate Professor Daribayeva R. D. was rewarded with a letter of thanks.

In connection with the 25th anniversary of the folk ensemble "Kazyna" on May 14, 2013, an end-concert was held.

- Ph. D., associate Professor Saparova Yu. A., Master Zhumagulov participated in the competition among master's theses and took the 2nd place, received a diploma, 2015 .

- PhD, Associate Professor Saparova Yu. A. CONCORD (IAC) International Academy, interdisciplinary trip and International FIJIP Federation "Scientific Association and International Society" scientific and educational tour Paris–Annecy ("Venice in the Alps") – trip to Switzerland-Milan – Cote d'Azur of Italy and the Principality of France, Monaco – Nice – Lyon-Paris.Certificate, 2015.

The Public Foundation for the specialty "Social Work" has established the production complex "Prosperity". Teachers, undergraduates and students can meet and discuss urgent issues and social projects.

- senior teacher Tolegenova K. K. medal "Leader of Education" 2015.

- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Yu. A. Saparova was awarded the medal "Leader of Education" (2016).)

- Ualikhanov A. was awarded a badge dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the SKSU named after M. Auezov. two thousand eighteen

- E. S. Auesbayev made a report "Halyk theatrlaryndagy koylymdyk zhumystyn zamanaui sipaty" at the regional seminar of cultural workers(Certificate. Shymkent 2018)

- E. S. Auesbayev . For participation in the republican festival-competition "Theaterdyn gazhayyp alemi" (Certificate. Shymkent 2019)

E. S. Auesbayev won the Grand Prix for the best production at the Republican festival-competition "Theaterdyn gazhayyp alemi" (2019)
- Nazanova G. Zh. nagarzhdenabgranzharstvennymprorektoraposocial and educational work of the M. Auezov State University for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2020)

- Nazanova G. Zh Won the Imestovcompetition "Best Curator -2020" organized by the departments of Social and educational work of the YUU named after M. Auezov(2021)

- Payyz B. Was awarded a letter of thanks for active participation in the XIII Republican Subject Olympiad in the group of educational programs B092-Leisure, 5B090600-Cultural and leisure (2021)

- Ubaydin K. Awarded with a Letter of commendation for active participation in the XIII Republica



Scientific internship of undergraduates: 13.03.2017-22.03.2017.

1. Moscow State Institute of Culture :
- 6M020400-specialty "Cultural Studies" undergraduates of the MPI-16-4nk group . (Mambetomar B. K., Boshanova Zh., Erimbet G., Adilkhanov N.).

- 6M090600 specialty "Social work" undergraduates of the MPI-16-11nk group. Turgantaeva A. R

2. Tashkent State Institute of Culture:

6M090600 specialty "Cultural and leisure work" undergraduates of the MPI-16-11nk group. Eldekenova D., Zhambulova L.

2.. 6M020400-specialty "Cultural Studies" master student of the MPI-16-4nk group . Nauryzbayev S. M.


We are proud of them

The rating of graduates of our department is high, there is always a demand for them from employers. The geography of distribution and employment of our graduates is wide. And how many famous names there are among them!

- People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Eskendir Khasangaliyev

- People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The founder of the theater "Tamasha" Yesenov L.

- People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, composer Ilyasov M

- People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nagima Eskalieva,

- People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Makpal Zhunusova,

- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Omarov,

- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous Composer Marat Ilyasov

- winner of numerous international music festivals Gaisin R

.- Mamadiyar Taukeev, laureate of the Sh. Kaldayakov International Competition of Performers,

- winner of the International Competition of performers named after Sh. Kaldayakov Khadisha Seitova,

- Diploma winner of the International Competition of Vocalists "Romansiada" Victoria Borisova,

- winner of the International Prize.competition of performers "The charm of romance" Zh.Tazhibaeva,

- Diploma winner of the International Competition of Vocalists "Romansiada" - Bakhyt Dzhumabekov,

Zhigitter Quartet»

Future plans

Much attention should be paid to the development of research work. Ensure the attraction of funds for research from the budget and grants. It is planned to increase the volume of output of scientific, educational and methodological literature, increase the scientific personnel potential. Documents are being prepared for the opening of the PhD doctoral program at the Department of "Cultural, Leisure and Social Activities".

On the eve of the solemn celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the teaching staff and students of the Creative Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, under the leadership of the famous director, artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor E. S. Urazymbetov, prepared and conducted a thematic theatrical performance "My Homeland - Kazakhstan"in the assembly Hall of the Main Building of the University. In the performance, the main roles were played by: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E. O. Omar, senior teachers B. K. Otarbayeva, K. E. Turekhanov, G. Zhantileuov, B. Botaev. Students of the specified faculty and department played in mass scenes. The solemn event ended with a large concert program and a festive fireworks display.2011.

For the first time, the 7th Winter Games of the Asian Games-2011 were held in our independent Kazakhstan. On January 14, the relay race was held in the South Kazakhstan region . 60 torchbearers marched through the city. Among them were teachers of the Department of "Cultural and Leisure and social activities" and students. The Department of "Cultural and Leisure and social activities" wishes high sports achievements to the athletes of Kazakhstan.



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(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.