The XI-Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B090600- "Cultural and leisure work"
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 237
28-29.03.2019 in the SKSU named after M.Auezov held the XI Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5В090600 - "Cultural and social work". 6 teams took part in the competition: in the end, the teams that took the 1st and 2nd stages receive the following places:
I place was taken by Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati, Taraz city. The second degree diploma was obtained by West Kazakhstan State University.
I place was taken by Taraz State University. M.Kh.Dulati, Taraz city. The second degree diploma was obtained by West Kazakhstan State University.
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