Commission to evaluate the scientific and research work of students in thedirection of“history
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- Hits: 205
Commission to evaluate the scientific and research work of students in thedirection of“history” on the order of 25 to 28.01.2016th rector , 5 persons enshrined.
At the commission meeting was attended by 5 people.
In the competition of research works in the directionof “history” in 2015, there were 2 work(student 2,3 supervisiors).
Looking through the scientific work of students, the commission was of the opinion award:
5B020300 on speciality- “ History”
The scientific work of the students 3 courses ПИК13-5к, Tanatarova M.K., on « Нistorical and cultural contactsand interrelation shipsof peoples to the great silk road». Supervisor: k.h.n., аssociateprofessor Otarbaeva G.K., teacher Rakhymzhan K.A.
5B011400 onspeciality - «History»
The scientific work of the students 3 courses ПИК14-3к, Zhanuzak G.A., on «ХІХ ғасырдағы Қырым үшін орыс-түрік қақтығыстары». Supervisor: teacher Narymbet G.B.