
«Juldızdı jup» attı än bayqawı M.Äwezov atındağı OQMW «Pedagogïka jäne mädenïet» fakwltetiniñ 5V010600-«Mwzıkalıq bilim» mamandığınıñ 1-4 kwrs stwdentteriniñ qatıswımen Qazaqstan Respwblïkasınıñ Täwelsizdiginiñ 25-jıldığına arnalğan «Juldızdı jup» attı wn
- Пайз Бердияр Құрбаналиұлы
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 244
Song contest "Star Couple".
On November 25, 2016, the intra-university musical song contest "Star Pair" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of 1st-4th year students of the "Pedagogy and Culture" Faculty of the M.Auezov OKSU, specialty 5B010600-"Music Education".
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the intra-university song contest "Star Couple" was held for the 8th time this year, according to the project of Saltanat Sabitovna Agabekova, a senior teacher of the "Music Education" department.
10 pairs of 20 talented singers from our educational institutions participated and competed in the one-day song festival. In the competition, patriotic songs that celebrate the independence, nationhood, courage, national character, statehood of the Kazakh country, educate the young generation to patriotism, high moral values, high-spirited patriotic songs, youth, love musical songs depicting feelings were performed.
With the aim of promoting songs, discovering the source of talent of young students who are passionate about art, and supporting them, the song competition, which was traditionally held on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the university on March 15, 2023, was presented by the Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Medeubek Zhumatayuly Tanirbergenov, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Sarmurzin Yerbol Zhanbyrbayuly. .
It was said that the main task of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the largest institution of higher education in our country, is to train teachers in all specialties, including teachers of singing lessons. In the competition, it was possible to perform from one song. All the contestants sang the song with their own voices. Phonogram was not used.
An independent panel of judges has been formed for a fair assessment of the competition. The chairman of the jury is Shepaeva Svetlana Andreyovna, the singer of the South Kazakhstan Regional "Opera and Ballet" theater, the laureate of the International "Romansiada" competition. Cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Khadisha Seitova. Senior teacher, master Elgonova Sandugash.
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov, which is held with the aim of supporting young singers, discovering talent and promoting Kazakh songs, the vice-rector for social and educational work Sarmurzin Yerbol Zhanbyrbayuly thanked the students and the staff of the department. .
The main prize winners are Satman Madi, 3rd and 4th year students.
Ubayda Asem
1st place 3rd year students: Jakyp Saparbek, Zhamalbekova Aruzhan
2nd place 3rd year students Zhanysbai Zangar, Kiyaskhan Mereke
2nd place 3rd year students Otegen Aksultan, Bekbolat Madina
1st and 3rd year students Nurzhanuly Nurym, Seitkarim Asel took 3rd place
3rd place 1st year and 3rd year Toylybekov Erkebulan, Nurlybai Aisulu
3rd place 1st course and 3rd course Toktasyn Daniyar, Baktiyarkovyna Madina
Zhartaeva Ulzhalgas, Nurzhan, won the "Black vote" nomination. Jamiuli Serikbay, Majit Bulbul, Nurzhigit Asylzhan and Baglankyna Kuralai were awarded in the nomination "Best voice".
The author of the project is senior teacher Agabekova Saltanat Sabitovna
On November 25, 2016, the intra-university musical song contest "Star Pair" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of 1st-4th year students of the "Pedagogy and Culture" Faculty of the M.Auezov OKSU, specialty 5B010600-"Music Education".
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the intra-university song contest "Star Couple" was held for the 8th time this year, according to the project of Saltanat Sabitovna Agabekova, a senior teacher of the "Music Education" department.
10 pairs of 20 talented singers from our educational institutions participated and competed in the one-day song festival. In the competition, patriotic songs that celebrate the independence, nationhood, courage, national character, statehood of the Kazakh country, educate the young generation to patriotism, high moral values, high-spirited patriotic songs, youth, love musical songs depicting feelings were performed.
With the aim of promoting songs, discovering the source of talent of young students who are passionate about art, and supporting them, the song competition, which was traditionally held on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the university on March 15, 2023, was presented by the Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Medeubek Zhumatayuly Tanirbergenov, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Sarmurzin Yerbol Zhanbyrbayuly. .
It was said that the main task of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the largest institution of higher education in our country, is to train teachers in all specialties, including teachers of singing lessons. In the competition, it was possible to perform from one song. All the contestants sang the song with their own voices. Phonogram was not used.
An independent panel of judges has been formed for a fair assessment of the competition. The chairman of the jury is Shepaeva Svetlana Andreyovna, the singer of the South Kazakhstan Regional "Opera and Ballet" theater, the laureate of the International "Romansiada" competition. Cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Khadisha Seitova. Senior teacher, master Elgonova Sandugash.
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov, which is held with the aim of supporting young singers, discovering talent and promoting Kazakh songs, the vice-rector for social and educational work Sarmurzin Yerbol Zhanbyrbayuly thanked the students and the staff of the department. .
The main prize winners are Satman Madi, 3rd and 4th year students.
Ubayda Asem
1st place 3rd year students: Jakyp Saparbek, Zhamalbekova Aruzhan
2nd place 3rd year students Zhanysbai Zangar, Kiyaskhan Mereke
2nd place 3rd year students Otegen Aksultan, Bekbolat Madina
1st and 3rd year students Nurzhanuly Nurym, Seitkarim Asel took 3rd place
3rd place 1st year and 3rd year Toylybekov Erkebulan, Nurlybai Aisulu
3rd place 1st course and 3rd course Toktasyn Daniyar, Baktiyarkovyna Madina
Zhartaeva Ulzhalgas, Nurzhan, won the "Black vote" nomination. Jamiuli Serikbay, Majit Bulbul, Nurzhigit Asylzhan and Baglankyna Kuralai were awarded in the nomination "Best voice".
The author of the project is senior teacher Agabekova Saltanat Sabitovna

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