Master class on the topic "Development of the film industry in the world today"
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September 22, 2016 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Pedagogy 401 and Culture held a workshop on "Development of the film industry in the modern world" for students majoring 5V040600-Directing. Masster class held dtsent Kazakh National Academy of Arts, film critic, kinokriti, Candidate of Sciences Iskusstvodcheskih Mursalimova Gulnar Amangeldievna and animator, director of the film studio "SAK", which released a full-length animated film Pathé Nuriddin Isaevich. The theme of the master class in the world today is in demand, so students and teachers listened with great attention, and then there was a general discussion. The students asked their questions and master-class was held at a high level.