Academic mobility is an opportunity to have a western high-quality and exciting education.

       Burhan Zhadira is a 3rd year student of the Department of General History and Museum Affairs of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture.
From October 2017 to February 2018, she studied at the University of Lodz by the program of Academic mobility of the South Kazakhstan State University named after Auezov.Lodz University is a large state university in Poland. Today, about 40,000 students (from 80 countries) study at the university in Polish, English and French. Interest in teaching at the university is determined not only by the high quality of education, but also by the modern curriculum.
Academic mobility program along with the opportunity to have a western, high-quality and exciting education also provided great support to the student to visit other countries.
«Entering the SKSU, I could not imagine that I would have the opportunity to study abroad, but thanks to the university program I had such an opportunity.
       Lodz University is one of the leading educational centers in Poland. In terms of learning ability, the university can boast of a number of highly qualified teachers, the largest library and database and a variety of academic activities.
In terms of leisure for students, the university provides a huge number of diverse circles, a platform for social and sporting development and attracts students from different countries. The university is a model of the western style of educational centers, where all facilities for life are provided at the university campus. Also, this institution is the center of the organization of the largest events that take place in Poland.
Studying in  Poland gave me the opportunity to expand my horizons in all areas. First, it is a different view from another country, secondly, a meeting of new friends from all over the world, and thirdly, the opportunity to see and get new impressions. I am sure that I have become better after this educational exchange experience.»


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