Musical-plastic performance "The Lion King" by I. Mechchi
- Пайз Бердияр Құрбаналиұлы
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- Hits: 95
Musical-plastic performance "The Lion King" by I. Mechchi ???????????????????? ✅️Production director and artistic director of the theater: Zholdasov E. ✅️ Music director and operator: Mutali K. ✅️ Choreographer: Baltabay M. ✅️ Plastic works: Baltabay M., Kuanyshbek A., Abaykyzy A., Zharylkasynova K., Rakhishev zh. ✅️ Director-assistants: Mutali A., Amanbay N., Turgunbek S. ✅️ Light operators: Medetov A., Amanbay N. ???????????????????? The main roles were played by Amanbai Nurdaulet, Kuanyshbek Akniet, Bolatbekov Didar, Maral Baltabay, Turgunbek Sanzhar, Zhasulan Rakhishev, Kasim Zharylkasynova, Seraly Laura, Sundet Nagima, Aidaruly Bakhytzhan, Tajibek Balausa, Medetov Abdumurad, Berik Zhumabek and others.

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