Head of the department: E. T. Bimurzaev,
Head of the department:
Usipakhmetov Nazarbek Nyshanbekovich
Excellent student of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
cultural specialist, Director.
Address: Shymkent, M. Auezov University, building No. 8, office.500
Phone: (8 7252) 36-71-21
►Teaching staff
►Academic mobility
►Annual report for 2022-2023
►Annual report for 2021-2022
►Annual report for 2020-2022
The history of the department
Guided by the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 43, paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", paragraph 2 of Article 138 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property" and paragraph 25 of Part 4 of the Charter of the educational institution:
Reorganize the Department of Art under a new name on the basis of the departments of Choreography, Art and Directing and Acting as part of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture.
Bachelor of Arts
Field of study: B028-Choreography B027-Theatrical art
6b02130-Choreography 6B02120-Directing
5b040900-Choreography 5b040600-Directing
Master's degree (Master of Art History)
Field of study: 7031-Choreography
Since 1985, for the first time in Kazakhstan, applicants in the specialty "Choreography" have been accepted to the department of "Theory and history of cultural and educational work" of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Culture named after Al-Farabi.
In November 1989, the specialty became an independent department of the Institute. The founder of the department, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, cultural worker and Excellent Student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Seraly Shabaevich Tleubaev was appointed the first head.
In 2000-2003, the department was headed by Ph.D., senior lecturer Azhibekova Z. B.
Since 2003, the head of the department has been a graduate of the International Scholarship "The best university teacher-2010", "Bolashak", Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of the medal "Y.Altynsarin", PhD, associate professor Tleubaeva Balzhan Seidramanovna.
Department 6b02120 - " Directing " qualification: "director-actor of theater and cinema".
6b02130-Bachelor of Arts in Choreography.
Also, since 2017, admission to the master's degree program 7M02103-"Choreography" in the specialized and scientific-pedagogical direction for 1, 1.5 and 2 years of study has been conducted. After graduation, a master's degree in art history is awarded.
In 2015, the Department of Choreography celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the department held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Current problems of our time: culture, history, ideology" and the international festival "Dances of the Peoples of the World". More than 20 dance ensembles from all regions of our republic and the Republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Karakalpakstan took part in it. Within the framework of this festival, master classes were held by leading specialists of domestic and foreign choreography. The Festival ended with a gala concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Choreography. The Gala concert was attended by the student dance ensemble of the Karakoz department, laureates of the festival "Dances of the Peoples of the World", as well as graduates of each year.
For many years of creative work, the department trains qualified specialists who work today not only in Kazakhstan, but also outside our country. Graduates of our department popularize dance art and work as managers and choreographers of choreographic ensembles, choreographers, artists of state dance ensembles, managers and producers of dance art in all regions of the republic, near and far abroad.
Our department plays a special role in such an important event for the cultural life of South Kazakhstan Region as the opening of the regional opera and Ballet theater. There, the department participated in P. I. Tchaikovsky's operas "Eugene Onegin" and D. Verdi's "La Traviata" and contributed to the formation of the theater.
Students of the department annually take an active part in the republican subject Olympiad and take prizes. Students actively participate in research and development. For achievements in research and development, a number of students were awarded diplomas and certificates at national competitions.
According to the results of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of Art won the nomination "The best department of the M. Auezov SKSU".
The educational programs of the Department of "art" took the first place in the rating "educational programs of universities of Kazakhstan-2018". "5b040900-Choreography" and "5b040600 - Directing".
Students of the Art Department studied under the academic mobility program at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Art, the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, the West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, the Kazakh National University of Arts.
In April 2019, the department held the II International Dance Competition "Dances of the Peoples of the World", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Karakoz dance Ensemble, "International Dance Day" and "Year of Youth". More than 65 dance ensembles (from 6 to 25 years old) from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kokshetau, Karaganda, Turkestan, Taraz, Aktobe, Almaty took part in the competition.
Phone: (8 7252) 36-71-21
►Teaching staff
►Academic mobility
►Annual report for 2022-2023
►Annual report for 2021-2022
►Annual report for 2020-2022
The history of the department
Guided by the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 43, paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", paragraph 2 of Article 138 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property" and paragraph 25 of Part 4 of the Charter of the educational institution:
Reorganize the Department of Art under a new name on the basis of the departments of Choreography, Art and Directing and Acting as part of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture.
Bachelor of Arts
Field of study: B028-Choreography B027-Theatrical art
6b02130-Choreography 6B02120-Directing
5b040900-Choreography 5b040600-Directing
Master's degree (Master of Art History)
Field of study: 7031-Choreography
Since 1985, for the first time in Kazakhstan, applicants in the specialty "Choreography" have been accepted to the department of "Theory and history of cultural and educational work" of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Culture named after Al-Farabi.
In November 1989, the specialty became an independent department of the Institute. The founder of the department, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, cultural worker and Excellent Student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Seraly Shabaevich Tleubaev was appointed the first head.
In 2000-2003, the department was headed by Ph.D., senior lecturer Azhibekova Z. B.
Since 2003, the head of the department has been a graduate of the International Scholarship "The best university teacher-2010", "Bolashak", Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of the medal "Y.Altynsarin", PhD, associate professor Tleubaeva Balzhan Seidramanovna.
Department 6b02120 - " Directing " qualification: "director-actor of theater and cinema".
6b02130-Bachelor of Arts in Choreography.
Also, since 2017, admission to the master's degree program 7M02103-"Choreography" in the specialized and scientific-pedagogical direction for 1, 1.5 and 2 years of study has been conducted. After graduation, a master's degree in art history is awarded.
In 2015, the Department of Choreography celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the department held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Current problems of our time: culture, history, ideology" and the international festival "Dances of the Peoples of the World". More than 20 dance ensembles from all regions of our republic and the Republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Karakalpakstan took part in it. Within the framework of this festival, master classes were held by leading specialists of domestic and foreign choreography. The Festival ended with a gala concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Choreography. The Gala concert was attended by the student dance ensemble of the Karakoz department, laureates of the festival "Dances of the Peoples of the World", as well as graduates of each year.
For many years of creative work, the department trains qualified specialists who work today not only in Kazakhstan, but also outside our country. Graduates of our department popularize dance art and work as managers and choreographers of choreographic ensembles, choreographers, artists of state dance ensembles, managers and producers of dance art in all regions of the republic, near and far abroad.
Our department plays a special role in such an important event for the cultural life of South Kazakhstan Region as the opening of the regional opera and Ballet theater. There, the department participated in P. I. Tchaikovsky's operas "Eugene Onegin" and D. Verdi's "La Traviata" and contributed to the formation of the theater.
Students of the department annually take an active part in the republican subject Olympiad and take prizes. Students actively participate in research and development. For achievements in research and development, a number of students were awarded diplomas and certificates at national competitions.
According to the results of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of Art won the nomination "The best department of the M. Auezov SKSU".
The educational programs of the Department of "art" took the first place in the rating "educational programs of universities of Kazakhstan-2018". "5b040900-Choreography" and "5b040600 - Directing".
Students of the Art Department studied under the academic mobility program at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Art, the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, the West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, the Kazakh National University of Arts.
In April 2019, the department held the II International Dance Competition "Dances of the Peoples of the World", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Karakoz dance Ensemble, "International Dance Day" and "Year of Youth". More than 65 dance ensembles (from 6 to 25 years old) from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kokshetau, Karaganda, Turkestan, Taraz, Aktobe, Almaty took part in the competition.

Creative connections
In order to improve the choreography skills of the teaching staff of the department and the performing skills of students, People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chief choreographer of the State Dance Ensemble "Uzbekistan" K. T. Muminov was invited to the department.
The Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov provided methodological assistance to the Department of Choreography. Dean of the Choreography Faculty, Associate Professor Andosov K. N., Honored Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Goncharova N. L.Asylgazinov E. A. held a master class, a master class in modern dance was conducted by our graduate Erica Zimbrovskaya (Israel).
The masters invited to the department in order to improve the pedagogical, choreographic skills of teaching staff and the performing abilities of students:
- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Art History, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Toigan Izim and Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, leading teacher of the Higher School of Choreography of Uzbekistan Ndibor Nor;
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Aigul Kenesovna Kulbekova;
- Head of the Choreography Department of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Associate Professor Murzabayeva Gulbanu Ilyubaevna;
- Candidate of Art History, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Dean of the Ballet Faculty Saitova Gulnar Yusupovna;
- Senior lecturer at KazNPU named after Abaya, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talent Zhambylovich Kylyshbayev.
In order to improve the choreography skills of the teaching staff of the department and the performing skills of students, People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chief choreographer of the State Dance Ensemble "Uzbekistan" K. T. Muminov was invited to the department.
The Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov provided methodological assistance to the Department of Choreography. Dean of the Choreography Faculty, Associate Professor Andosov K. N., Honored Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Goncharova N. L.Asylgazinov E. A. held a master class, a master class in modern dance was conducted by our graduate Erica Zimbrovskaya (Israel).
The masters invited to the department in order to improve the pedagogical, choreographic skills of teaching staff and the performing abilities of students:
- Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Art History, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Toigan Izim and Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, leading teacher of the Higher School of Choreography of Uzbekistan Ndibor Nor;
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Aigul Kenesovna Kulbekova;
- Head of the Choreography Department of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Associate Professor Murzabayeva Gulbanu Ilyubaevna;
- Candidate of Art History, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Dean of the Ballet Faculty Saitova Gulnar Yusupovna;
- Senior lecturer at KazNPU named after Abaya, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talent Zhambylovich Kylyshbayev.

The concept of education
In teaching choreographic art, teachers are required to have extensive education in various fields and genres of art - painting, music, sculpture, architecture, stage costumes, etc. The form and style of dance, which is updated daily, coincide with the basic requirements of the classical dance tradition. Therefore, in order to master all kinds of art, it is necessary to evenly innovate and form traditions in a wide range of choreographic knowledge. According to the same opinion, the exchange of information knowledge, pedagogical and psychological works, and phrases of special disciplines attaches great importance to interdisciplinary communication.
Future choreography teachers should know as much foreign language as possible (although the language of dance is understandable to everyone). There are several other important principles in our educational concept: individualization and an individual approach to learning, the principle of complementarity of individual structures, the principle of clarity and visibility in learning, the principle of integration of verbal and non-verbal components of learning, the principle of continuity of education, the principle of consistency in learning.
All these principles are implemented in practice in teaching, methodologically generalized and theoretically substantiated in the fundamental monograph by the head of the department B. S. Tleubaeva.
2. Directing training requires that the teacher has extensive knowledge in every field and genre of art.
Educational programs
In teaching choreographic art, teachers are required to have extensive education in various fields and genres of art - painting, music, sculpture, architecture, stage costumes, etc. The form and style of dance, which is updated daily, coincide with the basic requirements of the classical dance tradition. Therefore, in order to master all kinds of art, it is necessary to evenly innovate and form traditions in a wide range of choreographic knowledge. According to the same opinion, the exchange of information knowledge, pedagogical and psychological works, and phrases of special disciplines attaches great importance to interdisciplinary communication.
Future choreography teachers should know as much foreign language as possible (although the language of dance is understandable to everyone). There are several other important principles in our educational concept: individualization and an individual approach to learning, the principle of complementarity of individual structures, the principle of clarity and visibility in learning, the principle of integration of verbal and non-verbal components of learning, the principle of continuity of education, the principle of consistency in learning.
All these principles are implemented in practice in teaching, methodologically generalized and theoretically substantiated in the fundamental monograph by the head of the department B. S. Tleubaeva.
2. Directing training requires that the teacher has extensive knowledge in every field and genre of art.
Educational programs

We have the right opinions in our knowledge:
Striving for individualized and individual education, complementary and individual structuring
Visual opinion and learning qualifications,
Oral and written reading registration
Unlimited opinion on education
An opinion with a knowledge system
Head of the department Tleubaeva B. S. All these opinions were implemented on the basis of practical training, methodological generalization and advanced monographic theory.
By the decision of the Republican commission for the training of specialists abroad dated December 24, 2012, Ph.D., associate Professor Tleubaeva B. S. received the international scholarship "Bolashak" and completed an internship in Moscow from April to June 2013.
2014 Ph.D., associate professor Tleubaeva B. S. was awarded for the professional training of students for the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "Choreography" in Almaty.
Striving for individualized and individual education, complementary and individual structuring
Visual opinion and learning qualifications,
Oral and written reading registration
Unlimited opinion on education
An opinion with a knowledge system
Head of the department Tleubaeva B. S. All these opinions were implemented on the basis of practical training, methodological generalization and advanced monographic theory.
By the decision of the Republican commission for the training of specialists abroad dated December 24, 2012, Ph.D., associate Professor Tleubaeva B. S. received the international scholarship "Bolashak" and completed an internship in Moscow from April to June 2013.
2014 Ph.D., associate professor Tleubaeva B. S. was awarded for the professional training of students for the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "Choreography" in Almaty.

Творческая жизнь кафедры.
Ансамбль танца " Каракоз»
На кафедре хореографии с 1989 года сформирован ансамбль танца «Каракоз», состоящий из студентов и молодых преподавателей. В репертуаре ансамбля представлены народные танцы разных национальностей, свободный классический, современный танец и спортивно-бальные танцы. Сегодня ансамбль занимает особое место в творческой жизни университета и кафедры.
Лауреаты, номинанты и призеры ряда престижных республиканских и международных фестивалей творческой молодежи, постоянные участники различных конкурсов и праздников, участники Всемирного курултая города Туркестан, члены ансамбля танца "Каракоз" продолжают писать и писать самые яркие строки в ежегоднике нашего университета.
По приглашению посольства России в Казахстане ансамбль танца «Каракоз» посетил Москву с концертной программой на торжественном мероприятии, посвяще
Ансамбль танца " Каракоз»
На кафедре хореографии с 1989 года сформирован ансамбль танца «Каракоз», состоящий из студентов и молодых преподавателей. В репертуаре ансамбля представлены народные танцы разных национальностей, свободный классический, современный танец и спортивно-бальные танцы. Сегодня ансамбль занимает особое место в творческой жизни университета и кафедры.
Лауреаты, номинанты и призеры ряда престижных республиканских и международных фестивалей творческой молодежи, постоянные участники различных конкурсов и праздников, участники Всемирного курултая города Туркестан, члены ансамбля танца "Каракоз" продолжают писать и писать самые яркие строки в ежегоднике нашего университета.
По приглашению посольства России в Казахстане ансамбль танца «Каракоз» посетил Москву с концертной программой на торжественном мероприятии, посвяще

In 2012, he took part in the choreographic dance competition "Tansholpan", organized with the aim of forming a healthy lifestyle, promoting dance art among young people and took the first place.
In 2013, he was awarded the 2nd place out of 14 dance groups for his high performance at the republican dance competition "Birn Bel".
On April 25, 2014, the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University hosted a competition organized by the staff and students of the Choreography Department among city schools, dedicated to the International Dance Day and the memory of the 2-time champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports ballroom dance Shagyrbayev Kairat. 12 city schools and 3 dance studios took part in the competition. Students of grades 10-11 took an active part in the ensemble performance, the winners were awarded places, valuable prizes and diplomas. After the award ceremony, a Gala concert was held with the participation of the winners of the competition, students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "Choreography", the dance ensemble "Karakoz" and the sports ballroom dance ensemble "Seventh Continent", where Kairat Shagyrbayev learned to dance.
At the republican competition "XII National Delphic Games", the dance ensemble "Karakoz", head of PhD, associate professor Tleubaeva B. S., tutor Turdieva A. A. received the Grand Prix in the nomination Folk Dance (diploma, gold medal).Stepnogorsk 2016.
The soloist of the Karakoz dance ensemble Sarsenbek M., a 3rd-year student of KSK-14-9r, received a nomination for the best dancer at the 2016 Student of the Year competition at the South State University. Choreographers Tleubaeva B. S., Turdieva A. A. took the second place in the republican competition "bilin nury to Nursultan", dedicated to Nursultan Topalova.
From November 25, 2016 to January 10, 2017, the Karakoz Dance Ensemble took part in the Sheikh Zayed and Sultan Al Nahyan Cultural Heritage Festival in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Tleubayeva B. S., Dildebayeva G. R., Myrzaev S. A. and members of the Karakoz dance ensemble performed at a concert held by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UAE dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan (letters of thanks were presented), and the ensemble performed on December 2, 2016 in Dubai at a concert dedicated to the Day of Formation of the UAE state..
The Karakoz Dance Ensemble, a participant of the Traditional Art festival dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, took the III place.
In 2017, the dance ensembles "Karakoz" and "Zhastar" took part in the International festival "Buran Bel" in Turkestan and won the second place.
Sarsenbek Marzhan, a 4th year student of Choreography, won the gold medal of the international competition of arts and education "Uly Dala Daryny" as part of the spiritual renewal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. Also, for a special contribution to the competition, the heads and choreographers of the Urker creative center, heads of the department Tleubaeva B. S. And Turdieva A. A. were awarded with letters of thanks.
In 2017, a solemn event dedicated to the 46th anniversary of Knowledge Day was organized in Dubai, UAE. The event was held under the name "Carnival of Culture". Representatives of more than 15 countries took part in the carnival. The Karakoz dance ensemble was invited to the event.
In 2018, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Astana city, the regional Department of Culture and Language Development held a dance festival "Buran Bel". The Karakoz Dance Ensemble received a special diploma.
In April 2019, the Karakoz Dance ensemble of the Art Department took part in the Ak Kerbez Republican Dance Festival, organized by the Kyzylorda Regional Philharmonic and the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University.
From May 16 to 18, 2019 at Taraz State University at the regional competition-festival "Student Spring 2019". The dance ensemble "Karakoz" by M. H. Dulati became the winner of the 2nd degree.
In June 2019, the ensemble took 1st place in the VIII International Choreographic online competition "Inspiration" in Moscow.
In September 2020, representatives of one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Arizona State University, made a special visit to M. Auezov University. The guests got acquainted with the life of students in the university's student house. The Karakoz dance ensemble performed at this meeting and received the guests.
In April 2021, the first president and Prime Minister paid an official visit to Turkestan to open a large tourist complex "Keruen-sarai", where the Karakoz dance ensemble performed.
On May 15, 2021, the Karakoz dance ensemble performed at the Kazakh-Turkish University. H. A. Yasavi opening of the XI Summer Universiade dedicated to the "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Turkestan
In June 2021, the Karakoz dance ensemble received the Grand Prix at the international competition-festival "Jas Daryn".
In 2013, he was awarded the 2nd place out of 14 dance groups for his high performance at the republican dance competition "Birn Bel".
On April 25, 2014, the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University hosted a competition organized by the staff and students of the Choreography Department among city schools, dedicated to the International Dance Day and the memory of the 2-time champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports ballroom dance Shagyrbayev Kairat. 12 city schools and 3 dance studios took part in the competition. Students of grades 10-11 took an active part in the ensemble performance, the winners were awarded places, valuable prizes and diplomas. After the award ceremony, a Gala concert was held with the participation of the winners of the competition, students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "Choreography", the dance ensemble "Karakoz" and the sports ballroom dance ensemble "Seventh Continent", where Kairat Shagyrbayev learned to dance.
At the republican competition "XII National Delphic Games", the dance ensemble "Karakoz", head of PhD, associate professor Tleubaeva B. S., tutor Turdieva A. A. received the Grand Prix in the nomination Folk Dance (diploma, gold medal).Stepnogorsk 2016.
The soloist of the Karakoz dance ensemble Sarsenbek M., a 3rd-year student of KSK-14-9r, received a nomination for the best dancer at the 2016 Student of the Year competition at the South State University. Choreographers Tleubaeva B. S., Turdieva A. A. took the second place in the republican competition "bilin nury to Nursultan", dedicated to Nursultan Topalova.
From November 25, 2016 to January 10, 2017, the Karakoz Dance Ensemble took part in the Sheikh Zayed and Sultan Al Nahyan Cultural Heritage Festival in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Tleubayeva B. S., Dildebayeva G. R., Myrzaev S. A. and members of the Karakoz dance ensemble performed at a concert held by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UAE dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan (letters of thanks were presented), and the ensemble performed on December 2, 2016 in Dubai at a concert dedicated to the Day of Formation of the UAE state..
The Karakoz Dance Ensemble, a participant of the Traditional Art festival dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, took the III place.
In 2017, the dance ensembles "Karakoz" and "Zhastar" took part in the International festival "Buran Bel" in Turkestan and won the second place.
Sarsenbek Marzhan, a 4th year student of Choreography, won the gold medal of the international competition of arts and education "Uly Dala Daryny" as part of the spiritual renewal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. Also, for a special contribution to the competition, the heads and choreographers of the Urker creative center, heads of the department Tleubaeva B. S. And Turdieva A. A. were awarded with letters of thanks.
In 2017, a solemn event dedicated to the 46th anniversary of Knowledge Day was organized in Dubai, UAE. The event was held under the name "Carnival of Culture". Representatives of more than 15 countries took part in the carnival. The Karakoz dance ensemble was invited to the event.
In 2018, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Astana city, the regional Department of Culture and Language Development held a dance festival "Buran Bel". The Karakoz Dance Ensemble received a special diploma.
In April 2019, the Karakoz Dance ensemble of the Art Department took part in the Ak Kerbez Republican Dance Festival, organized by the Kyzylorda Regional Philharmonic and the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University.
From May 16 to 18, 2019 at Taraz State University at the regional competition-festival "Student Spring 2019". The dance ensemble "Karakoz" by M. H. Dulati became the winner of the 2nd degree.
In June 2019, the ensemble took 1st place in the VIII International Choreographic online competition "Inspiration" in Moscow.
In September 2020, representatives of one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Arizona State University, made a special visit to M. Auezov University. The guests got acquainted with the life of students in the university's student house. The Karakoz dance ensemble performed at this meeting and received the guests.
In April 2021, the first president and Prime Minister paid an official visit to Turkestan to open a large tourist complex "Keruen-sarai", where the Karakoz dance ensemble performed.
On May 15, 2021, the Karakoz dance ensemble performed at the Kazakh-Turkish University. H. A. Yasavi opening of the XI Summer Universiade dedicated to the "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Turkestan
In June 2021, the Karakoz dance ensemble received the Grand Prix at the international competition-festival "Jas Daryn".

Creative connections
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department Associate Professor of the State Institute of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate Professor Akhmedov F. E. was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana, Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department Associate Professor of the State Institute of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate Professor Akhmedov F. E. was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana, Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.

Creative connections
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department Associate Professor of the State Institute of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate Professor Akhmedov F. E. was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana, Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D. T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department Associate Professor of the State Institute of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Kakhkharov E. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri, associate Professor Akhmedov F. E. was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana, Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.

Creative connections
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D.T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadiri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department by an associate professor of the State Institute culture and art of Uzbekistan by E. Kakhkharov. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadiri, associate Professor F.E. Akhmedov was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.
In order to improve the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the teaching staff and students, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Turankulova D.T., Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadiri, Professor Galiev Sh. G., Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were invited to the department by an associate professor of the State Institute culture and art of Uzbekistan by E. Kakhkharov. O., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadiri, associate Professor F.E. Akhmedov was invited.
A creative meeting was held with the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, director of the Zhastar Theater in Astana Bekbolat Bolatzhanovich Kurmangozhaev.

Creative life
The most important factor in becoming a future professional is the ability to educate yourself. Teaching students design and creative activities, orienting a specialist to a constantly emerging modern concept of knowledge, solving creative theoretical and practical problems.
The theory of self-education of a person requires focusing on the inner soul of a person. Also, teachers and students of this specialty, along with the educational process, are authors-directors who have written scripts for cultural events and productions on the scale of the region, city and University.
The Fight against Corruption is the winner of the Grand Prix.
The team took part in the final game of the KVN Bars Super League and was awarded a diploma.
3.An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary was organized and held at the republican level in the Tulkubas region
The most important factor in becoming a future professional is the ability to educate yourself. Teaching students design and creative activities, orienting a specialist to a constantly emerging modern concept of knowledge, solving creative theoretical and practical problems.
The theory of self-education of a person requires focusing on the inner soul of a person. Also, teachers and students of this specialty, along with the educational process, are authors-directors who have written scripts for cultural events and productions on the scale of the region, city and University.
The Fight against Corruption is the winner of the Grand Prix.
The team took part in the final game of the KVN Bars Super League and was awarded a diploma.
3.An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary was organized and held at the republican level in the Tulkubas region

Student life
2014at the suggestion of senior lecturer E. A. Zholdasov, a project "Cinema Art" of the republican level was created at the department. The festival among amateur filmmakers "Cinema Art" has been held regularly since 2014. The festival consists of 3 sorting tours: competent script writing, meeting special requirements and determining the quality of a short film. The festival will be attended by teachers and students from all cities of the republic.
Since 2020, the Kino Art Festival has been international. The festival was attended by students and teachers from all cities of the republic, as well as Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan.
The winners of the Grand Prix of the Film Art Festival :
- 2014 student of the KSK-09-8k group D. Turdimatov,
--2015 student of KSK-10-8 group k N. Adilkhanov,
- 2016 student of the KSK-12-8k group A. Abdykariev,
--2017 student of the KSK-13-8k group Ubaydin Kazybek
2014at the suggestion of senior lecturer E. A. Zholdasov, a project "Cinema Art" of the republican level was created at the department. The festival among amateur filmmakers "Cinema Art" has been held regularly since 2014. The festival consists of 3 sorting tours: competent script writing, meeting special requirements and determining the quality of a short film. The festival will be attended by teachers and students from all cities of the republic.
Since 2020, the Kino Art Festival has been international. The festival was attended by students and teachers from all cities of the republic, as well as Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan.
The winners of the Grand Prix of the Film Art Festival :
- 2014 student of the KSK-09-8k group D. Turdimatov,
--2015 student of KSK-10-8 group k N. Adilkhanov,
- 2016 student of the KSK-12-8k group A. Abdykariev,
--2017 student of the KSK-13-8k group Ubaydin Kazybek

Our graduates
Currently, graduates of the department work fruitfully in higher educational institutions, institutions of art and culture of the Republic.
Regional Drama Theater named after J. Shanin:
Yesenov J. - sound engineer
B. Shimyrkulova -head of the troupe
K. Zhumagulov -the main artist
B. Alzhanova is a make-up artist.
Sagymbai Sh.- assistant director.
A. Sakhipova is an actress.
The City Russian Drama Theater:
Shevchenko N. is the director of the regional Russian Drama Theater.
Komarov A. is a theater actor.
S. Pushkarev-theater actor
Bazarbayeva U.-actress of the Zhetysai Drama Theater named after K. Dzhandarbekov
A. Muytova is an actress of the Aktobe Drama Theater.
Abdesh A. is the director of the "Jaidarman" club (Shymkent).
D. Serikbayev is the chief specialist of the regional Department of Culture.
E. Tazhmakov is a methodologist at the CCNT (Shymkent).
Yesenov G.-singer of the regional Philharmonic named after
Currently, graduates of the department work fruitfully in higher educational institutions, institutions of art and culture of the Republic.
Regional Drama Theater named after J. Shanin:
Yesenov J. - sound engineer
B. Shimyrkulova -head of the troupe
K. Zhumagulov -the main artist
B. Alzhanova is a make-up artist.
Sagymbai Sh.- assistant director.
A. Sakhipova is an actress.
The City Russian Drama Theater:
Shevchenko N. is the director of the regional Russian Drama Theater.
Komarov A. is a theater actor.
S. Pushkarev-theater actor
Bazarbayeva U.-actress of the Zhetysai Drama Theater named after K. Dzhandarbekov
A. Muytova is an actress of the Aktobe Drama Theater.
Abdesh A. is the director of the "Jaidarman" club (Shymkent).
D. Serikbayev is the chief specialist of the regional Department of Culture.
E. Tazhmakov is a methodologist at the CCNT (Shymkent).
Yesenov G.-singer of the regional Philharmonic named after
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