Pulpit of Gymnastic education for humanitive and pedagogical profession

Head of the chair:
Mambetov  Mutalhan Kapanovich
Candidate of pedagogical science.
Address:  Shymkent sity, SKSU, Vatutina street, № 8 building.
Phone: 8 (7252) 22-24-53
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►Teaching staff

►History of the chair


The chair is formed by reorganization of Physical training chair in "Physical Training for Humanitarian and Pedagogical Specialties" chair on the basis of the order of the rector of UKGU for No. 274 of 17.08.2006 "About formation of educational divisions".

 Worked as managers of chairs "PG for HPS" for this period:

            2006-2007 к.п.н. M. Sh. Artykbayev

            2007-2008 к.п.н. associate professor K.S. Nakhanov

            2008-2009 acting department chair senior teacher N. A. Totymbayev

            2009-2010 senior teacher K.K. Mambetov

            2010 – 2012 к.п.н. associate professor K.S. Nakhanov

            Since September, 2012 M. K. Mambetov works at a position as the manager of PG for HPS chair c.p.s. 

            Given the moment in chair 13 teachers, from them 1 candidates of pedagogical sciences, the senior of teachers Esimbekov K.A., Zatybekov K.A., Balabekov M. S., Musayev S. A., Kadyrov E.K., Sabituly N., Kasymbekov B.B,  of teachers Dosybekov A.S., Askarov N.,  Abildayev S., Sheraliyev A.

►General information


The department works in the specialties of the following faculties: "Pedagogy and Culture", "Philology" and the Higher School "Scientific and Natural Pedagogy".

The department conducts practical classes in the discipline "Physical Culture" with students of the I, II, III courses of the day department.

Sports facilities of the department are partly equipped with necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.

The tasks of the physical training of future specialists are solved in the physical training classes by studying theoretical and practical issues, by studying the sections of the program based on practical applied sports, taking into account future specialties, by using the technical means of training simulators, organizing additional, independent classes professionally - applied physical training. To determine the functional performance of students using the Cooper test, the Harvard step test. Based on the results of the examination, one can judge the working capacity of the student's body, the deviations in the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and regulate the physical load individually.

On the basis of preliminary studies, corrections are introduced in the technology of professionally applied physical training, which is based on the regulatory requirements of the Presidential tests.

      Teachers of the department try to teach the students a conscientious attitude to work, socially useful activity, inventory, equipment and are involved in the work on improvement.

    Classes in physical culture contribute to the development of ethics of behavior and relationships in groups, in a team.

  For the conduct of training exercises and recreational activities the department has the following sports facilities:


- soccer field 10 x 64 m

- circular treadmill 4 x 400 m

- place for jumps in length 6 x 4 m

Sports halls - 18 x 36 m; (in buildings No. 8, No. 10)

 Sports facilities of the department are partly equipped with necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.

To improve the methods of teaching and educating students in the process of physical education classes, as well as to improve the methodological level of the teaching staff, educational and methodical classes with PPP were conducted.

For students who have been released for medical reasons from physical culture or referred to a special medical group, the subject of abstracts has been developed.

Based on the study of physical preparedness of students, the models of physical preparedness of SKSU were developed at the first and second courses of the university, the interrelation of physical readiness and health of students

Independent work of students on the discipline "Physical Culture" consists of 2 sections: theoretical and practical. The first section turns out the issues that study the meaning, goals, tasks of physical education, its means, its role in the social life of society, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, basic information about the human body and the influence of physical exercises on it.

At the department, a map of the educational process was compiled, which included all types of practical activities of students and was evaluated according to the modular-rating system.

This included the Cooper test, the Presidential test, the standards for general physical training, the technique of playing volleyball, basketball, lightweight athletics, football.

At the department there are: the work plan of the department, the plan for educational, methodical and scientific research work, the plan for sports and mass recreation activities, the plan for improving the qualifications of teachers, the plan for educational activities in the quality management system approved at the meeting of the department.



  1.  Within the framework of the program “Bolashakka Bagdar:Ruhani Zhangyru” among the students of M.Auezov SKSU,the propaganda and implementation of the President’s Address,volleyball competitions were held in the “sports complex” on Vatutin Street. The competition was attended by teams from the Faculty of Philology and the Higher School of Natural Sciences.Prizes were awarded with diplomas.Teachers,departments,who judged the competitions, passed the protocols of the games, the applications of the teams, the results of the games and the reports of the competitions.
  2. Within the framework of the program “ Bolashakka Bagdar: Ruhani Zhangyru” M.Auezov ,propaganda and implementation of the President’s Address, mini-football competitions were held on the sports ground of the educational building №8 .The competitions were held in a circular system and the teams that will take part in the university final were determined. The winners were awarded with special certificated.In order to form a healthy lifestyle among teachers and staff, to strengthen their health , I believe  that this sports day has fulfilled its task.

I  place- Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture.

II  place- Natural Science Pedagogy.

 III  place-Faculty of Philology.


       3. In the framework of the program “Bolashakka Bagdar: ruhani zhangyru” among students of SKSU named after M.Auezov Messages of the President of the basketball competition took place on the educational building №8.


       4. As part of the implementation of the program “Bolashakka bagdar: ruhani zhangiry”  Messages of the Head of State , table tennis competition among students of SKSU named after M.Auezov were held on the sports ground of the educational building №8. The competitions were held in accordance with the approved regulations. Prizes were awarded with diplomas. The teachers of the department , who did the refereeing in the competitions ,handed over the protocols of the games and the reports of the competitions.

I place- Faculty of Culture and Sports.

II place- Higher School of Natural Sciences.

III place- Faculty of Physics.

IV place – Faculty of History and Pedagogy .


5.Within the framework of the “Bolashakka Bagdar : Ruhani Zhangyru”program ,events dedicated to the propaganda of the Address og the Head of State and “Kazaktyn ulttyk oyndary”, competitions among university students in the sports hall of the academic building №8 on Vatitun street. The competition was held in accordance with the approved rules of each sport.Teams of the faculties of pedagogy and culture ,the Faculty of Philology and the Natural Science Higher School took part in the competition. Prize winning places were awarded with diplomas. The teachers of the department, who did the refereeing in the competitions, submitted the protocols of the games , the reports of the competitions.

I place –Natural Science pedagogy .

II place- Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture..

III place- Philological Faculty.


6.In the student dormitory №1 SKSU named after M.Auezov , within the framework of the movement “ Mangilik El” , chess competitions were held under the program “ Formation and development of      Kazakhstan patriotism and national unity , tolerance and the fulfillment of the people’s dreams” 2 boys and 1 girl took part in the competition. Prizes were awarded with diplomas. The teachers of the department who did thec refereeing in the competitions handed over the protocols of the games , the applications of the teams, the results of the games and the reports of the competitions.



As part of the implementation of the program “Bolashakka bagdar: ruhani zhangiry”  Messages of the Head of State and Kazah ulltyk ouindaru competitions among students

Achievements and awards


1. Awarded with a diploma A.Sheraliev. as the "Best Striker" of the volleyball competitions for the prizes of the rector of SKSU named after M.Auezov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrkhalykova Zh.U. devoted to the Day of the First President and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Awarded with the Mambetov MK diploma. for active participation in competitions in volleyball for the prizes of the rector of SKSU named after M.Auezov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrkhalykova Zh.U. devoted to the Day of the First President and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. Mambetov M.K. was awarded with a breastplate for special merits in defense of labor, social and economic rights and interests of trade union members in the education of the region.



►Merit and achievements

►Educational-methodical work


Educational-methodical work


Teaching and methodical work at the department is conducted according to the plan approved at the meeting of the department. The department has a working curriculum on physical education, corresponding to the standard program. Work programs discussed at the meeting of the department are approved by the methodical commission of the faculty and approved by the pro-rector for SD and IT.

   Training sessions with students, the department carried out on the types of sports chosen by the students:

1 Basketball (boys, girls)

2 Volleyball (boys, girls)

3 Football

      In accordance with this list of proposed sports, the teachers of the department developed a working training program, KTP in Kazakh and Russian languages, according to which students engage in physical education throughout all the years of training.

     The department has a work plan for the department and the strategic plan. The department is working according to the annual plan. All sections of the work plan of the department and the strategic plan, the individual plan are fulfilled, filled in a timely manner, are fixed by the head of the department.

 This approach to improve the learning process has a number of advantages:

- Students specialize in the kind of sport in which they can manifest themselves and their physical abilities maximally;

- The discipline "Physical Culture" is for them a vital need, which contributes to the formation of motor skills and skills necessary for maintaining health and efficiency;

- Students engaged in the chosen sport with their attitude towards study, social work, participation in sports activities of the University, actively promote physical culture and sport among students;

- students engaged in the chosen sport are growing interest in physical education, and as a result - increased attendance and academic performance in this discipline.

Methodical work at the department according to the plan approved at the meeting of the department. Teachers of the department have revised working programs and KTP in Kazakh and Russian. To improve the methods of teaching students in the process of physical education, in order to increase the methodological level of the teaching staff, teaching and methodical classes with PPP are conducted. At the department there is a map of methodical provision which includes data on the availability of new publications that are submitted to the educational and information center.

Based on the study of physical preparedness of students, the models of physical preparedness of SKSU were developed at the first and second courses of the university, the interrelation of physical readiness and health of students

            On the basis of preliminary studies, corrections are introduced in the technology of professionally applied physical training, which is based on the regulatory requirements of the Presidential tests.

            At the department there is a schedule of classes. For students wishing to improve their sports skills there is a schedule for additional classes in volleyball, basketball and tennis. The tasks of physical training of future specialists are solved in physical training classes by studying theoretical and practical issues, by studying the sections of the program compiled on the basis of practical sports through the use of TSO simulators, the organization of additional independent studies, based on the study of physical preparedness of students, a model of physical fitness for 1-2-3 courses. . Exempt students from practical classes on health condition make brief abstracts on paper and electronic media, which gives them the opportunity to score additional points in rating control. The department has developed the themes of abstracts, exercises for the development of physical qualities.


Research work


Summarize the research work of the department  on the topic "Development of physical qualities in the process of teaching the students of the humanities, pedagogical and natural-pedagogical faculty in the framework of the message of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan" Nurly Zhol-Path to the future ". Cipher: B-16-12-08.

     The research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the new state budget theme   "Formation of pedagogical culture of communication of future teachers of physical education".

         Publication of scientific articles. Participation in the work of scientific conferences with the release of reports. Preparation and production of educational guidelines and manuals. Organization and conduct of the debate among students 1-3 courses on ethics of behavior in society.

          The department conducts propaganda among students the study of general physical preparedness. Work is also underway to process the data obtained to determine the physical preparedness of students studying at SKSU. M. Auezov, in particular with students of the EPF, PIK, FF.

The faculty conducts a large amount of work to involve students in research and development activities.

           Under the guidance of teachers, students actively conduct research work, which is reflected in speeches with reports at conferences of various levels, publications in scientific journals and the preparation of scientific papers that are submitted for competitions, including Republican ones.


                  Annually the agitation work is conducted with graduates of the city school for admission to our university. Teachers of the department Zatybekov K., Esimbekov K. conducted agitation work in the Tulkubas region - Eltai, Kemirbastau, Kumisbastau, Zhabayly, Shahpah Baba, No. 56, No. 69 of the city school.


Educational work


Educational work with students in the process of physical education is aimed at conducting conversations on moral, aesthetic and socio-political education, promoting healthy lifestyles, involving students for employment in sports sections during extra-curricular time. Along with the talks, the staff of the department actively attracts students with high sports grades to conduct competitions as judges in sports in the program of traditional inter-institute sports days.

    The Department of Physical Education for Humanitarian and Pedagogical Specialties is a general educational institution, conducts educational activities among students of three institutes: Natural Pedagogical, Pedagogical Institute of Culture and the Philological Institute. Teachers of the department try to teach the students a conscientious attitude to work, socially useful activity, inventory, equipment and are involved in the work on improvement.

    Classes in physical culture contribute to the development of ethics of behavior and relationships in groups, in a team.

         The department conducts a certain sports and health work with students.

At the beginning of the school year, among the I-courses of the EP, PIK, FI, competitions are held to identify physically prepared students for participation in the SKAU M.Auezov Sports Spartakiad.

         For the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, competitions are held, dedicated to significant dates, where our faculties have won prizes for individual types. In the annual Olympics among the teaching staff and staff are involved in our faculties.

 According to the plan, the senior teacher of the department Balabekov M.S. organized student research conferences. Conversations conducted on safety precautions with students. According to the plan in the dormitory No. 1 teachers conduct a chess competition and togyzkumalak. In connection with the adopted law on "Religious Services and Religious Associations", the teachers of the department ozonized students with the law on religions. There are conversations with students in the fight against AIDS. Annually competitions are held among students dedicated to significant dates: a volleyball competition among girls dedicated to the day of March 8, Nauryz Day, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and among first-year students.





Competition on Toguzkumalaku and chess among students living in hostel number 1 under the program “Formation and development of a new Kazakhstan patriotism based on national unity, tolerance and the fulfillment of the dreams of our people within the framework of the movement “Mangilik El”





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Spartakiada among students of the first and fourth year of SKSU named after M.Auezov on the program "Densaulyk"



The Department of "Physical Education for Humanities and Pedagogical Specialties" has achieved some successes in involving students in mass, sports and health activities and passing the Presidential tests.







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