History of Kazakhstan

Manager of chair

Karibaev Sarsebai Uskenovitch

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

Address: The South Kazakhstan State Auezov University, D. Kunayev, Pedagogy and Culture Faculty, building № 8, room 311

Telephone: 8 (7252) 36-71-87  


►Teachers' staff

General information

Twenty faculty members, including 1 Doctor of Historical Sciences, 10 Candidates of Sciences, 6 of which are docents, 8 Master’s degree holders, 2 Senior Lecturers and 7 Lecturers are involved in the teaching process at the Department. The Department covers bachelor’s level freshmen of all faculties by teaching the History of Kazakhstan subject. Educational activities and methods of teaching are the priorities of the Department. 


Scientific directions

The staff of the department works at the common university program «Ethnic-cultural inheritage of the South Kazakhstan».

The department staff participate in development of the project «Kazakhstan in the context of West and East civilizations interaction».

The department works at the program «Cultural inheritage».

Research work

Scientific research work is done, it investigates actual problems of history of Kazakhstan: problems of social-economic and industrial development of Kazakhstan – сandidates of Sciences, senior lecturer Zoldybayev Zh.T., problems of national-revolutional movement and national intelligentsia of Kazakhstan - Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor Alibek S.N., сandidates of Sciences, associate professor Sadykulova S.S., сandidates of Sciences Tileukulov G.S.; problems of Enlightenment, religion and interethnic processes , c.h.s., Muldakhmetova Zh.I., c.h.s., Junusbayev S.M., c.h.s., Belgibay Zh.K., problem of agriculture sector of the RK, сandidates of Sciences Aikozov S.I. 

The budget scientific research theme of the department is «The past, the present, the future of Kazakhstan» (research on actual problems of cultural, social-economical development of Kazakhstan from ancient times till present days).

Scientific research work and articles of the department staff are published as in home publishing houses and in foreign publishing houses as well, and also in research works collections of republic and international conferences.

For the confirmation of the international contacts in the region we made partnership agreements with Tashkent State University named after Navoi, NSA of the RU. Some research projects are held in partnership. In February of 2009 master students Inbragim I.A., Baizhanova А.А. had practice in Moscow Academy of complex security.


The department «History of Kazakhstan» held a meeting within the faculties of Pedagogy and Culture, Philology with financial police representatives of the South Kazakhstan

S. Zhamalbekov, colonel of SKO financial police, chairman of veterans of SKO financial police society, participated at the meeting. Inspector of financial police, lieutenant А. Аtanatyev, chief-inspector of financial police B. Echenkulov, press-secretary of financial police Department, chief-inspector, captain Zh. Mamutova.

Also there were dean of associate professor of the department “History of Kazakhstan» G.S. Tileukulov.

The representative of inner policy department, specialist B.Zh. Kuzdeubayev. Аlso students of tutors of the faculty.


Research Areas 

The research topic sponsored by state budget and being explored by the Department is titled “Kazakhstan in the Past, Present, and Future” (research studies related to the relevant issues of cultural and socioeconomic development of Kazakhstan from the ancient times to nowadays).

The Department has been involved in the strategic National Project named “Cultural Heritage”


Research Activities

Research activities on relevant issues of the History of Kazakhstan, such as socioeconomic problems, history of industrial development – Zh.T. Zholdybayev, Candidate of Historical Sciences; nationalist movement and national intelligentsia in Kazakhstan – docent S.N. Alibek, Doctor of Historical Sciences, docent S.S. Sadykulova, Candidate of Historical Sciences; national, religious, and interethnic issues, educational problems – docent S.U. Karibayev, Candidate of Historical Sciences; education, religion, and interethnic processes – Zh.I. Muldakhmetova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, S.M. Dzhunusbayev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Zh.K. Belgibay, Candidate of Historical Sciences, agricultural issues of the RoK – S.I. Aikozov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, demographic processes during World War II – Master of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer E.O. Oryntayeva. 


Research works and articles written by the Department faculty are published widely both in national and international journals, as well as in the collections of research works of the national and international conferences. The research outcomes of the Department faculty are published in journals with a high SCI.


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