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We are pleased to announce the opening of our own website of the Faculty of "Culture and Sports" of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov!

Our faculty, located along Kunayev Boulevard, one of the attractions of Shymkent, has more than 700 students. The contingent of students, in addition to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, includes countries of far and near abroad. Their continuing and high-quality education is provided to about 190 faculty members with academic degrees and about 70 teaching assistants.

The Faculty trains specialists in 16 specialties in the creative, pedagogical and social fields with a bachelor's degree. In these specialties, further professional development is possible in the master's program in 8 specialties of production and scientific and pedagogical directions.

One of the mandatory parameters of the Bologna process in terms of academic mobility of students is the passage of an international internship among educational institutions of the republic, in educational institutions of the near and far abroad.

Research clubs, creative studios, clubs of the sophisticated resourceful, student and youth theater Duman, sports clubs contribute to a significant leisure time for students.

Social conditions are created for students as much as possible. A library of the latter type, an electronic reading room, a resource center, free Internet, an assembly hall, a sports hall, an art gallery, a doctor's office, a dining room, a 5-storey dormitory adjacent to the academic building, all this allows students to study carelessly.

For additional education of students, the Faculty invites qualified specialists from universities of the near and far abroad.

Our students are the winners of many international and national Olympiads.

As an educational and scientific production complex, the faculty has close ties with many industrial institutions, educational institutions, cultural and artistic centers.

Almost all of our graduates work fruitfully in the field of education, culture and social sphere. And how much talent, knowledge, and knowledge they have, that they know and hold leadership positions.

Dear friends, applicants! For more detailed information about the life and professions of the faculty, we invite you to read this website. We ask you to express your opinions and suggestions in an open and unbiased manner. For our part, we will try to answer openly in the fullest possible sense. Welcome to our parakshamyzga with best wishes:

Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Sports",


Ph. D., Professor,

Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences,

Best teacher of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Tanirbergenov Medeubek Zhumataevickh  



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