Head of the Department
Zholdasbekova Saule Abdrazakhovna
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Address: Shymkent, A. Baitursynov Street, Building № 7, M. Auezov Higher Educational Institution, Room 207
Contact number: 30-09-28,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The department in this specialty was headed by highly qualified specialists, scientists and teachers who had worked in the field of youth employment and vocational training for many years. Among them were M.S.Sarsenbayev, K.A.Duysenbayev, Y.S.Suyazov, I.A.Anarbekov, K.T.Nazarbekov, A.B.Saipov, D.K.Poshaev, E.D.Meirbekov, S.A.Moshkin, Y.N.Kamalov, S.A.Zholdasbekova.
In 1996, in connection with the reorganization of the republic's universities, the department was incorporated into the newly established South Kazakhstan Humanitarian University as part of the Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty and was renamed the Department of "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Training".
Since March 1998, in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, two large universities in the South Kazakhstan Region: the Technical University and the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan Humanitarian University were merged to form the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. Thus, the Department of "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Training" was included in the structure of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University as part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy. In 2019, the department was renamed the Department of "Vocational Education" and trained future teachers of "technology" and "vocational education". The Republican Educational and Methodological Association operates on the basis of the department.
History of training specialists in "Fine Arts and Drawing"
Since 1969, the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute has been training teachers of the subject "Fine Arts and Drawing" for secondary schools of general education. The Department of "Fine Arts and Drawing", established under the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, was headed by senior lecturer E.M. Kan. The first teachers were L.P. Pavlovsky, L.F. Zhilyakova.
During the formation and development of the department, qualified specialists from well-known art educational institutions of the Union and the Republic began to be invited. Among them were Skorodin Yu.I., Pochukaeva Z.V., Lomakin Yu.I., Khalmuratov Zh.I., Tastemirov K.T., Savostina L.M., etc. In addition, the first graduates of the department, such teachers as Eralin K.E., Zagodenko Yu.I., Nikonov G.V., worked.
Due to the increase in the number of students, the faculty was reorganized into the "Art, Drawing and Graphics" faculty, consisting of three departments. The faculty was headed by senior lecturer Kadeev I.U. Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, Professors, Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences: Pavlovsky A.L., Aidosov A., etc. Members of the Union of Artists participate in many international individual Republican exhibitions.
The department was formed in May 1996 by merging the Institute of Culture and pedagogical specialties of the Shymkent branch of the Yassawi State University of Kazakhstan with the Institute of Culture and the Shymkent branch of the Yassawi State University of Kazakhstan in August, and as a result of the reorganization, the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute was established.
In 1996, due to structural changes in the university, the Department of Drawing and Painting was established within the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy of the M. Auezov State University of Kazakhstan, and teachers of fine arts and drawing began to be trained at this educational institution. In the first years, the department was headed by A.L. Pavlovsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor. From 1999 to 2004, the Department was headed by Professor Eralin K.E., and since 2004, the Department was headed by S.K. Beisenbayev, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
By order of the rector No. 880-L dated 29.09.05, the Department of "Drawing and Painting" was divided into the Departments of "Painting and Design" and "Fine Arts and Drawing". The Department of "Fine Arts and Drawing" trains specialists for the master's degree in the specialty 6N0107 "Fine Arts and Drawing" on the basis of full-time and part-time study in the bachelor's specialty 050107 "Fine Arts and Drawing".
Since September 2021, the Department of "Fine Arts and Drawing" and the Department of "Musical Education" have been merged and renamed the Department of "Musical Education and Artistic Work".
Since September 2022, the Department of "Musical Education and Artistic Work" and the Department of "Vocational Education" have been merged and renamed the Department of "Methodology of Teaching Fine Arts and Technology".
The department is equipped with well-equipped classrooms that meet all requirements, sewing and jewelry workshops, computers equipped with modern programs, and a rich natural resource.
Teachers and students of the department regularly participate in exhibitions and improve their creative abilities.
Today, the department trains highly qualified teaching staff in the following specialties: 5В012000 - Vocational Training, 6В01450-Vocational Training, 6В01451-Artistic Work and Drawing (bachelor's degree), 6В01431 "Visual Arts, Artistic Work, Graphics and Design", 6В01430- Fine Arts and Drawing, 6М012000 - Vocational Training (master's degree), 7М01430 - Fine Arts and Drawing (master's degree), and 6D012000 - Vocational Training (doctoral degree Phd).
Of the 16 teachers working at the department, 2 are doctors of pedagogical sciences (S.A. Zholdasbekova, A.B. Saipov), 1 is a PhD-doctor (Musakulov K.T.), 5 are candidates of pedagogical sciences (Y.N. Kamalov, T.S. Burkitbayev, T.Sh. Makh

Material and technical base
Currently, the department has 12 specialized workshops and laboratories for the processing of wood, metal, textile materials, radio electronics, operation and repair of agricultural machinery and vehicles.
Based on a bilateral agreement with the "College of Light Industry and Service" and "Industrial Technical Colleges" of Shymkent, an educational and scientific production complex (ESPC) is being organized and is being worked on. In addition, the issue of training future teaching staff on the basis of dual training has been taken up.
Teaching staff
Of the 16 teachers working at the department, 2 are doctors of pedagogical sciences (S.A. Zholdasbekova, A.B. Saipov), 1 is a PhD-doctor (Musakulov K.T), 5 are candidates of pedagogical sciences (Y.N. Kamalov, T.S. Burkitbayev, T.Sh. Makhanov, G.A. Bakirova, L.S. Akhmet), 4 are masters (S.Sh. Baizakhova, H.Sh. Kairaqbayeva, M.Yu. Kamalov, A.A. Kozybekova) and 4 are senior teachers (Kunzhigitova G.B., Ibraimova P.T., Kubenov M.A., Iztileuova A.Sh.) are carrying out pedagogical work.
Professors and teachers of the department are the authors of state compulsory educational standards for the specialties "Labor", "Vocational education" in 1995, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2010, as well as typical curricula. Authors of textbooks and teaching aids for the subject "Artistic Labor" for secondary schools.

Achievements of the Department of "Methodology of Teaching Fine Arts and Technology"
Achievements of the Department for the 2022-2023 Academic Year
CERTIFICATE of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright of the Republic of Kazakhstan March 14, 2023 No. 33525, author Zholdasbekova S.A.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Eralin Kuandyk Eralyuly reported on the results of the winter school "Current Trends in Pedagogical Education: Fine Arts, Artistic Work and Vocational Training" organized at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
Кешкі мектеп жоспарына сай оқылған баяндамаларды тыңдау нәтижесі бізге мынандай тұжырымдар жасауға мүмкіндік берді:
1.Әуезов университетіндегі ұйымдастырылған «қысқы мектеп» Қазақстан көркемдік білім беру жүйесінің қалыптасуы мен дамуындағы маңызды іс шараның бірі болды.
- Кешкі мектептегі оқылған баяндамаларында бейнелеу өнері, көркем еңбек,кәсіптік білім берудің тарихы, теориясы мен практикасының көкейкесті мәселелері қарастырылып, талданып олардың шешу жолдары көрсетілді, жаңа жұмыс бағыттарының перспективалары айқындалды. Көркемдік білім берудегі заманауи nехнологиялар мәніне ерекше назар аударылды.
- Болашақ көркем еңбек мамандарын даярлаудағы білім беру бағдарламаларын жетілдіру мәселелері бойынша бағалы ұсыныстар жасалды.
4.Онлайн форматында өткен бұл «қысқы мектеп» жаңашылдық сипаты мол педагогка ғылымындағы инновациялық іс-шараның бір түрі ретінде өзінің өміршең болатындығын көрсетті. Алдағы уақытта бұл істі жалғастыру -Қазақстандағы көркемдік білім беру мен эстетикалық тәрбие беру, болашақ бейнелеу өнері мұғалімдерін даярлау ісінің дамына ерекше үлес болып қосылады деп ойлаймын.
5.Бұл кешкі мектептің ерекшелігінің өзі тақырыбының кәсіби білімге, кәсіби мамандар даярлаудың заманауи мәселелерін шешуге, кәсіби құзыреттілікті қалыптастыруға, дамытуға бағытталуында болды.
6.Бұл іс- шараның прогрессивтік, жанашылдық, тәжірибелік сипатының болуына байланысты алдағы уақытта дәстүрге айналдыру бағытында жалғастыруды қажет етеді.Бұл іс Қазақстандағы көркемдік білім беру ісін жоғары сатыға көтеретін бірден бір қозғаушы күш болады деп сенемін.
7.Қазақстан, Ресеймен, Қытай, Өзбекстан, Қарақалпақстан т.б. шет елдер көлеміндегі қатысушылардың баяндамалары баяндамашылар қатысқанауқымды халықаралық педагогикалық іс-шара болып табылатын кешкі мектепті ұйымдастырған М.Әуезов университетінің ректоры Қожамжарова Дария ханымға, Мәдениет және өнер факультетінің деканы, п.ғ.д., профессор М.Тәңірбергеновке, кешкі мектептің бас медераторы п.ғ.д., профессор С. Жолдасбековаға және барлық ұйымдастырушыларға, қысқы мектепке қатысушылар атынан және өз атымнан шынайы ризашылық пен алғысымызды білдіреміз.
А.Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті, Спорт және өнер факультеті, Бейнелеу өнері кафедрасының профессоры, п.ғ.д.,ҚР Мәдениет қайраткері, ҚР Суретшілер Одағының мүшесі
Ералин Қуандық Ералыұлы
Кунжигитова Г.Б «Көктемгі АРТ кеңестігі» атты фотосуреттер,суреттер ,ашық хаттар, қолөнер, костюмдер,оригами, презентациялар т.б халықаралық шығармашылық онлайн байқауына қатысқаны үшін марапатталады.
Kunzhigitova GB for the development of participants' cognitive learning skills, for the preparation of winners of the international online subject Olympiad for schoolchildren and students "ZNATOKI 2022"
Senior lecturer Ibraimova P.T. M. Auezov Higher Educational Institution, Chairman of the Board Rector Kozhamzharova D.P., Certificate of Honor On the eve of the "Republic Day" on October 25, was awarded the "Gratuate of Honor" for her achievements and contribution to the spiritual and social development of our country.
Department achievements for the 2021-2022 academic year